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Том 45, № 10 (2018)


Species Composition, Distribution, and Environmental Ecology of Voles (Mammalia, Cricetidae, Microtus) Found in the Northwest Caucasus

Balakirev A., Mironova T., Khlyap L., Vasilenko L., Okulova N.


Molecular genetic typing of voles from the vicinity of the Pslukh cordon (south of the Caucasian state reserve), Krasnaya Polyana, and from the Utrish reserve (the Abrau peninsula) has been carried out. Based on the nucleotide sequence of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene, voles from Krasnaya Polyana and the Psulkh cordon should be attributed to Asia Minor voles (Chionomys roberti), and the animals from Utrish, to the Eastern European voles (Microtus rossiaemeridionalis). The Asia Minor voles belong to the North Caucasian phylogenetic branch of the species. The analysis of body measurements of voles from Krasnaya Polyana and Lazarevskii region (without molecular examination) showed that these animals also most likely belong to the Asia Minor voles (not to Gudaurskii, as was mistakenly considered earlier). Some information on the ecology of the Asia Minor voles in the region is given.

Biology Bulletin. 2018;45(10):1117-1123
pages 1117-1123 views

Assessment of the Influence of Major Limiting Factors on the Growth of the Population of Vimba Bream (Vimba vimba vimba) (Cyprinidae), a Species Intentionally Introduced into the Volgograd Reservoir

Belyanin I., Shashulovsky V., Mosiyash S.


An attempt was made to assess the influence of major limiting factors on changes in the vimba population number in the Volgograd Reservoir. According to one hypothesis based on the accessibility of vimba spawning grounds, its population number in the reservoir is already close to the limit. According to another hypothesis considering limitations on the vimba population by food resources, an approximately 15-fold increase in the population number over at least two decades is possible. The above-mentioned hypotheses on the factors limiting increase in the vimba population number in the reservoir, provide different forecasts on the ultimate population number and time necessary for its achievement. The only possible way to verify these hypotheses is to carry out further research.

Biology Bulletin. 2018;45(10):1124-1128
pages 1124-1128 views

Anadromous Sturgeons (Acipenseridae, Actinopterygii) of the Don River Upstream from the Tsimlyansk Hydroengineering Complex

Boldyrev V.


Abstract—Data based on the results of published, unpublished, and questionable materials concerning the occurrence of anadromous sturgeons after damming of the Don River downstream and upstream of the Tsimlyansk hydroengineering complex are presented. Two peaks of approaches of spawners to the dam in the 1950s and 1980s were recorded. The first peak was related to the wild population that existed in these years; the second peak was a result of mass artificial propagation. At the first stage, the Russian sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii Brandt et Ratzeburg, 1833) and the beluga sturgeon (Huso huso (Linnaeus, 1758)) prevailed downstream from the dam; at the second stage, only the Russian sturgeon was recorded. Since 1955, only 21 individuals of anadromous sturgeons have made it through the dam by a fish ladder. During the years 1952–1961, 1145 individuals were transported into the reservoir, including 218 ind. of beluga. Some individuals of beluga were transported later as well. There are data indicating the presence of juvenile beluga individuals that originated from natural spawning in the reservoir before the 1970s. The last known spawners of Russian sturgeon and stellate sturgeon (Acipenser stellatus Pallas, 1771) in the reservoir were recorded in the 1980s or 1990s. Solitary beluga individuals may occur nowadays. It is suggested that the youngest of the noted individuals belong to the generations of the early 1990s. It is concluded that the extremely innumerous landlocked form of the Azov beluga may still exist in the reservoir.

Biology Bulletin. 2018;45(10):1129-1138
pages 1129-1138 views

Influence of the Activity of the Eurasian Beaver Castor fiber (Castoridae, Mammalia) on the Ecosystem Biodiversity of Small Rivers in the Forest–Steppe Zone

Osipov V., Bashinskiy I., Podshivalina V.


Abstract—Preliminary data on the impact of the activity of the Eurasian beaver on the ecosystem biodiversity of small rivers in three steppe areas within the Privolzhskaya Lesostep’ State Nature Reserve in the Khoper River basin were obtained. With zooplankton, amphibians, and fish as examples, it was shown that after beaver-made ponds had appeared, the abundance of all these groups increased. In old ponds, the fish abundance decreased while that of amphibians continued to increase. In drained ponds, the zooplankton and amphibian abundance decreased while fish became more numerous, due to the appearance of better flowage.

Biology Bulletin. 2018;45(10):1139-1148
pages 1139-1148 views

Ecological Peculiarities of Nesting and Reproduction of the Common Oystercatcher (Haematopus ostralegus longipes Buturlin, 1910) (Haematopodidae, Charadriiformes) in the Medveditsa River Channel

Yermokhin M., Tabachishin V.


The population of the continental oystercatcher subspecies in the conditions of the middle reaches of the Medveditsa River in the nesting period of 1996–2008 was stable, namely, three pairs, out of which two, rarely three, nested annually. The clutch size was 2–3 eggs. Our many-year survey has established a tendency toward a significant decrease in the reproductive success against the background of transformations of nesting and feeding habitats, which is determined by the long-term tendency toward a reduction in the water level in the river.

Biology Bulletin. 2018;45(10):1149-1152
pages 1149-1152 views

Analysis of the Afforestation Status in the Arid Conditions of Western Kazakhstan

Akhmedenov K.


The current status of the forest fund is discussed. The agroforestry melioration potential of the Western Kazakhstan region is assessed. The modern silviculture stage on the area studied is described. Biodiversity depletion is noted, and possibilities for conservation of the existing natural and artificial protective plantings in the extreme conditions of Western Kazakhstan are assessed. Floodplain forests, chopping sand massifs and estuary-type depressions, and gully and ravine forests are considered as key botanical and landscape territories of the surveyed area. Three key areas, namely, the experimental planting at the Janybek Research Station, aspen on Bolshaya Ichka Mountain, and the Pershinskiy forest are characterized. The necessity of applying new agroforestry land use and practice is justified.

Biology Bulletin. 2018;45(10):1153-1158
pages 1153-1158 views

Viral Infection of Picocyanobacteria in the Rybinsk Reservoir During the Freezing Period

Kopylov A., Kosolapov D., Zabotkina E.


The abundances of virioplankton and planktonic picocyanobacteria in deep and shallow water sites of Rybinsk Reservoir during the freezing period (water temperature 0.3–0.9°C) varied from (37.1 to 84.1) × 106 ((57.3 ± 2.1) × 106, on average) particles/ml and from 13.5 to 75.0 × 103 ((48.7 ± 3.4) × 103, on average) cells/ml, respectively. The fraction of picocyanobacteria with viruses attached to their cell surface was 6.5–29.0% (12.0 ± 0.8%, on average). The proportion of visible infected cells was 0.7–7.6% (2.2 ± 0.3%, on average) of the numbers of picocyanobacteria. It is likely that viruses play an important role in the regulation of picocyanobacteria abundance during the freezing period.

Biology Bulletin. 2018;45(10):1159-1164
pages 1159-1164 views

Abundance of the Little Bustard Tetrax tetrax L. 1758 (Otididae, Aves) in Saratov Oblast

Oparin M., Kondratenkov I., Oparina O., Mamayev A.


Abstract—Based on the count data obtained by various methods and their statistical processing, the abundance of the fall population of the little bustard in the Saratov Trans-Volga region was estimated from the late 1990s until the present. From 2012 to 2016 it averaged about 30 000 individuals, whereas in the Volga right bank region it was one or two orders lower and the species distribution there was sporadic. When studying the T. tetrax abundance dynamics, an increase in its population in the studied territory in the first half of the 2000s was established. The necessity of carrying out census work in the future for monitoring the population is substantiated.

Biology Bulletin. 2018;45(10):1165-1173
pages 1165-1173 views

Characteristics of Hydrocarbon Degradation by Bacteria Isolated from Drill Cuttings

Pleshakova Y., Belyakov A., Deev D.


The microorganisms Bacillus circulans NSh, B. firmus OBR 1.1, B. firmus OBR 3.1, Solibacillus silvestris OBR 3.2, B. circulans OBR 3.3, Halomonas sp. OBR 1, and Erwinia rhapontici OBR 4.1, isolated from drill cuttings, were shown to be able to degrade oil, mineral oil, and diesel fuel. The B. circulans NSh and B. firmus OBR 1.1 bacteria were shown to degrade 62 and 32% of oil, respectively, in an alkaline medium (pH 9) after 14 days and 42 and 22% of oil, respectively, in a saline medium (10% NaCl). Under conditions of increased ambient salinity and alkalinity, the B. circulans NSh and S. silvestris OBR 3.2 bacteria were shown efficiently to degrade petroleum hydrocarbons not only individually, but also in combination with the oil-oxidizing Dietzia maris AM3 microorganism. The efficiency of oil degradation by the consortium composed of B. circulans NSh D. maris AM3 was higher than that by monocultures.

Biology Bulletin. 2018;45(10):1174-1181
pages 1174-1181 views

Chemical Signals of Conspecifics and Their Role in Seasonal Relationships in the Mongolian Hamster (Allocricetulus curtatus) (Cricetinae, Rodentia)

Feoktistova N., Kropotkina M., Kuznetsova E.


Abstract—The hormonal response of Mongolian hamster Allocricetulus curtatus males to the urine and midventral gland secretion (MVGS)) of conspecific females during several seasons was studied. The animals were kept under natural photoperiod and temperature. In autumn no significant changes in the testosterone level in the blood of males in response to any of the exposed signals were observed. In winter and summer, this parameter increased in response to the diestrous female odors of urine and MVGS . In the spring the urine of conspecific estrous females stimulated a significant increase in the levels of both testosterone and cortisol. Moreover, the cortisol level did not increase in response to exposure of the odors of diestrous females in any season of the year. The level of progesterone significantly increased only when MVGS was exposed in the spring and summer periods, and the absolute values of this parameter were significantly higher in spring than in summer. Differences in responses to chemical signals in two closely related species (Eversmann’s and Mongolian hamsters) are discussed in connection with the peculiarities of the intraspecific social relationships.

Biology Bulletin. 2018;45(10):1182-1186
pages 1182-1186 views

Regularities of the Shell Length to the Individual Weight Ratio in Mollusks of the Genus Dreissena (Dreissenidae, Bivalvia) in Volgograd Reservoir

Filinova E., Kolozin V., Malinina Y.


Regression analysis of the size and weight structure of dreissenids (D. bugensis and D. polymorpha) from the Volgograd Reservoir has been carried out. The power-dependence parameters in the resulting equation are different for the two studied mollusk species (W = 0.036L3.33 for D. bugensis and W = 0.064L3.32) for D. polymorpha. The established regression relationship between the individual body weight (W) and the shell length of the mollusk (L) has a high degree of correlation R2 = 0.96 at a significance level of p = 0.01. The results can be used for reconstructing the individual weight of mollusks from the shell length during trophological studies in Lower Volga reservoirs.

Biology Bulletin. 2018;45(10):1187-1190
pages 1187-1190 views

History of Bird Studies in the Volgograd Region

Belik V.


Bird studies have been conducted in the area of Volgograd oblast since the second half of the eighteenth century. The first studies were conducted by the heads of large academic expeditions: S.G. Gmelin (1771, 1777), I.I. Lepekhin (1771, 1795), and P.S. Pallas (1788). Therefore, this period of studies can be called the “academic period.” In the middle of the nineteenth century, professors, masters, and undergraduate and graduate students of large Russian universities (Eversmann, Artzibascheff, Bogdanov, Yakovlev, Khlebnikov, and Bostanzhoglo) started to study the bird fauna of the Volga region, and this second period of studies can be called the “university period.” In addition, a great amount of data on the birds of the Lower Volga region had also been published by German taxidermists (together with zoologists) who were gathering bird collections for sale to European museums (Moeschler, Bädeker, Rikbeyl, Henсke, Pelzam, Loretz, et al.). In the first half of the twentieth century, the majority of studies on bird fauna in the Lower Volga region were scientific and practical and were aimed at the organization of their use and protection. In addition to planned studies performed by specialists, important data on bird fauna were collected by amateur ornithologists who came to the Lower Volga region accidently (Kracht, Vietinghoff, Törne, and Bub). In the second half of the twentieth century, active ecological and geographical research was initiated by the staff of the Volgograd Pedagogical Institute, who studied the parasites of birds of prey and corvids, the urban bird population, and the birds of fish ponds. At the end of the twentieth century, a number of studies were conducted in the Lower Volga region within the Important Bird Areas of Russia program supported by foreign grants. These works were followed by a large series of publications; unfortunately, these publications contained little significant ecological and faunistic information.

Biology Bulletin. 2018;45(10):1191-1210
pages 1191-1210 views

Effect of Salinity on Chironomid Larvae (Diptera, Chironomidae) in Hypersaline Lakes of Crimea

Belyakov V., Anufriieva E., Bazhora A., Shadrin N.


This paper summarizes the results of our long-term research (2007–2015) of chironomids in 38 saline and hypersaline lakes of Crimea. Chironomid larvae were found at salinities up to 340 g/L, and the frequency of their occurrence decreased as salinity rose above 30–50 g/L. We identified four species, namely, Baeotendipes noctivagus, Cricotopus gr. cylindraceus, Tanytarsus gr. Mendax, and Paratanytarsus gr. quantuplex. The numbers of chironomid larvae varied within wide limits and peaked at the levels of up to 8000/m3 in plankton, up to 9000/m2 in the benthos, and up to 3000/m2 on the floating mats of filamentous green algae. The abundance, biomass, and production of larvae were nonlinearly dependent on the salinity. A salinity increase led to a decreased number of species and reduced average sizes. The maximum values were observed within 150–170 g/L.

Biology Bulletin. 2018;45(10):1211-1218
pages 1211-1218 views

Distribution of Caulinia minor (All.) Coss. et Germ. (Hydrocharitaceae) in Nizhny Novgorod Oblast

Biryukova O., Shestakova A., Belyakov E., Garin E.


The distribution of Calluna minor in Nizhny Novgorod oblast is described on the basis of published sources, herbaria, and original data. This species prefers water bodies with well-warmed shallow areas and high mineralization. This species should be included in the regional Red Data Book due to its location at the edge of its distribution. It is advisable to increase the rarity level of this species in the region. Recommendations on its conservation are proposed.

Biology Bulletin. 2018;45(10):1219-1224
pages 1219-1224 views

Vitality Dynamics of Tulipa gesneriana L. (Liliaceae, Liliopsida) Populations in the Lower Volga Region and Adjacent Territories

Kashin A., Petrova N., Shilova I., Kritskaya T., Ugolnikova Y.


Abstract—The vitality of 38 Tulipa gesneriana populations from the Lower Volga region and adjacent territories has been monitored in the course of a four-year study (2013–2016). The significant variability of this parameter, which correlated with certain geographical trends, has been shown within the surveyed territory. Two population clusters differing by opposite responses to external factors have been revealed. A similar character of variability has been observed by the ordination of the studied coenopopulations by the average values of morphological traits using principal factor analysis. Among all the analyzed factors influencing the species vitality, the most preferable is the biogeographic distribution of the genetic variability within the region. A decrease in the vitality of individual plants has been observed in the case of intensive pasturing and also during active vegetation under low temperatures (average daily temperature below 10°C).

Biology Bulletin. 2018;45(10):1225-1234
pages 1225-1234 views

Improving the Accuracy of Game Animal Population Censuses in Small Areas

Kondratenkov I.


This article considers the possibility of improving the accuracy of game animal population censuses by replacing the mean values of various census parameters obtained for territories of moderate size with the mean values of the same parameters obtained for a larger territory using as a case study the results of our winter route census of the moose Alces alces Linnaeus, 1758 in Saratov oblast.

Biology Bulletin. 2018;45(10):1235-1240
pages 1235-1240 views

Ecological Organization of the Spatiotypological Diversity of Amphibian, Reptile, and Small Mammal Communities in the West Siberian Plain

Ravkin Y., Bogomolova I.


Abstract—The West Siberian Plain has been used as an example for the analysis of the differences in the relationships between environmental factors and diversity of amphibian, reptile, and small mammal assemblages. The species abundance and contributions to the Shannon index based on energy parameters have been used as diversity indicators. The diversity of the general concepts of spatiotypological variability has been analyzed for the communities formed by these groups of animals. Analysis of the spatial variability of community diversity yielded similar results and predominantly illustrated the effect of latitudinal differences in heat supply. However, the abundance parameters demonstrated a more distinct correlation with the moisture content (paludification) and the trophicity of the biocenoses (especially bogs) at somewhat lower estimates of the relationship. The hierarchy of the environmental factors identified was the same for both parameters, even though the estimates for the classification and structural modes, as well as the overall information content of the representations, were somewhat higher in the case of a diversity-based arrangement. These differences are most likely due to the uniformity of the log-transformed values used to calculate the Shannon coefficient.

Biology Bulletin. 2018;45(10):1241-1249
pages 1241-1249 views

Myelograms of Marsh (Pelophylax ridibundus) and Pool (Pelophylax lessonae) Frogs (Amphibia: Ranidae) from Conventionally “Intact” Resevoir of Nizhni Novgorod Region and from Reservoir Transformed by Human Activity

Romanova E., Shapovalova K., Mar’in I.


Abstract—A comparative study of marsh and pool frog myelograms showed that the erythropoietic activity of bone marrow was higher in amphibians from conventionally “intact” areas (group 1) than in those from urbanized territories (group 2). The amphibians’ adaptive response to contamination of the aquatic environment involved restructuring of the cellular composition in the bone marrow and myeloid cell activation. Variability of the responses of individual myelopoietic elements reflected the plasticity of the compensatory capacity of the organism. Overall, adaptive reactions were common for two sympatric amphibian species, but interspecific differences were manifested as hematopoiesis activation in pool frogs. A strong statistically significant relationship between the integral index of amphibian myelograms and the content of iron (r = –0.81, p = 0.04), chlorides (r = 0.88, p = 0.01), sulfates (r = 0.88, p = 0.018), and petrochemicals (r = 0.89, p = 0.015) in the water was revealed.

Biology Bulletin. 2018;45(10):1250-1256
pages 1250-1256 views

Morphoanatomical Adaptations to Environmental Conditions in Seeds of Some Species of the Genus Iris L. (Iridaceae, Asparagales) Growing in the Saratov Region

Minjal M., Boldyrev V.


Morphoanatomical features important for plant adaptation to ecological conditions have been described for seeds of seven Iris species growing in the Saratov region. Such features are the most indicative for seeds of two species, I. halophila Pall. and I. pseudacorus L. The strategy of I. halophila seeds represents development of adaptations intended to protect seed contents against penetration of saline solutions. These adaptations include the presence of a waterproof and salt-proof coating film protecting seed contents against saline solutions, the maximum level of a seed cover lignification as compared with the seeds of other species studied, and a smooth ultrasculpture of a seed cover preventing salt deposition on its surface. The strategy of I. pseudacorus seeds includes formation of seeds capable of surviving in an aquatic environment for a long time without any loss of viability. The corresponding adaptations are the following: a flattened discoid form of seeds facilitating their floating in water; the maximum thickness of a seed cover compared to other species studied; weak lignification of the seed cover, especially mesotesta; and the presence of an air cavity in the chalazal part of a seed, which reduces its specific gravity and presumably provides an embryo with oxygen when seeds float in water. Seeds of five other iris species (I. aphylla L., I. pineticola Klokov, I. pumila L., I. sibirica L., and I. tenuifolia Pall.) have identical adaptations to moderate conditions of a terrestrial environment.

Biology Bulletin. 2018;45(10):1257-1261
pages 1257-1261 views

Estimation of the Zonal Distribution of Species of Bottom Communities in Lowland Rivers of the Middle and Lower Volga River Basin

Golovatyuk L., Shitikov V., Zinchenko T.


Abstract—A comparative analysis of the variability of the species structure of macrozoobenthos communities in small and medium rivers of the Middle and Lower Volga river basin has been carried out. The statistically significant influence of the natural climatic zone, where the watercourse is located, and manifestation of the latitudinal gradient of biodiversity are shown. A list of indicator species has been made for each geographical zone identified using different criteria of biotopical distribution. Based on the analysis, the indicator value (IndVal) index, which takes into account the zonal distribution of both the occurrence frequencies of a species and its abundance ratios, was recognized as the most adequate. Association rules that contain combinations of species that most frequently occur together in hydrobiological tests have been formulated using the Apriory algorithm.

Biology Bulletin. 2018;45(10):1262-1268
pages 1262-1268 views

Reaction of Bank Voles (Myodes glareolus Schreber, 1780) to Traps with the Odor of Synanthropic House Mice (Mus musculus s.l.) (Mammalia: Rodentia): A Field Experiment

Zhigarev I., Alpatov V., Babikov V., Shchukin A., Kotenkova E.


Our hypothesis that exoanthropic forest rodent species (e.g., bank voles) avoid the urinary odor of the synanthropic house mice was tested in field experiments in August 2016. One count of the small mammals was carried out in each of two 4-ha fields by the capture–mark–recapture technique over 12 days. Two hundred live traps (100 points, 2 traps per point) were exposed and controlled twice a day (early in the morning and in the evening) in each count. One trap in each pair served as the reference, while the second was the experimental one with 20 μL of the urine of synanthropic house mice applied to a foam rubber surface every day. Generally, bank voles chose the odorless trap more often (60.8% vs. 39.2%, χ2 = 3.7, p = 0.054). Adult individuals had a nonsignificant tendency to avoid the odor-emitting traps. Immature (subadult and juvenile) bank voles reliably avoided the odor-emitting traps (a 2 : 1 ratio, χ2 = 5.74, p = 0.017). A general linear model showed the influence of the age of voles on the choice of the odorless traps. The potential repellent role of sulfur-containing compounds in mouse urine is discussed.

Biology Bulletin. 2018;45(10):1269-1275
pages 1269-1275 views

Quantitative Characteristics of Seasonal Aspects of the Bird Population in the City of Kemerovo and Its Environs

Klimova N., Toropov K.


This paper gives a quantitative assessment of seasonal aspects of the bird population on the basis of the data of year-round counts in the city of Kemerovo and its vicinity in 1999–2001. Seasonal changes in the total number of birds, species richness, dominating species, total biomass, amount of the energy transformed by birds, and their tier distribution and faunal composition are characterized and compared for all habitats surveyed. Differences in the seasonal dynamics of the bird population in the habitats belonging to residential and forest–field landscapes are assessed.

Biology Bulletin. 2018;45(10):1276-1283
pages 1276-1283 views

Analysis of Soil and Vegetation Cover from Satellite Imagery to Assess its Relation to Lark Habitats (Alaudidae, Aves) in the Trans-Volga Semi-Desert

Oparin M., Nukhimovskaya Y., Konyushkova M., Trofimova L., Oparina O., Mamayev A., Trofimov I.


Abstract—This work was carried out in the Dzhanibek and Bokey Orda districts of the West Kazakhstan region of the Republic of Kazakhstan in two key areas. The possibility to study the relationship between the distribution of the abundance of various lark species and their nesting habitats detected using high-resolution satellite images, ground geobotanical descriptions, and bird counts on routes with a variable width of the accounting band was evaluated. The image heterogeneity in a snapshot was analyzed by cluster analysis in the ILWIS software (Heckbert quantization algorithm) using three rasters as variables: infrared and red channel images and NDVI. The correlation between the number of some lark species and the share of some plant associations in the band of accounting routes was established using correlation analysis and approximation of empirical distributions by theoretical ones. A reliable relationship was established between the distribution of three lark species living in the Trans-Volga semi-desert of the Caspian lowland with certain plant associations which they prefer to use as nesting stations.

Biology Bulletin. 2018;45(10):1284-1292
pages 1284-1292 views

Influence of Lead Nitrate and Acetate Applied to Sod-Podzolic Soil on its Bioindicative Parameters

Panova M., Pukalchik M., Uchanov P., Terekhova V.


Abstract—The influence of two lead salts on the soil enzymatic activity dynamics (urease, dehydrogenase, the total hydrolase activity, acidic phosphatase, and peroxidase), with lead ion concentrations of 10, 100, 300, 500, and 1000 mg/kg, was assessed in a 21-day-long model experiment. A reliable inhibitory effect of lead nitrate applied at doses of 500 and 1 000 mg (Pb2+)/kg on the total activity of hydrolases, dehydrogenase, and peroxidase has been identified, while lead acetate mostly caused a stimulating effect. Based on the data obtained, the diagnostic indicators have been ranked by the reduction of their sensitivity to lead nitrate pollution in the following order: total activity of hydrolases > peroxidase > dehydrogenase > urease ~ acidic phosphatase.

Biology Bulletin. 2018;45(10):1293-1300
pages 1293-1300 views

Methodology of Generalized Assessment of Species Diversity Indicators and Terrestrial Vertebrate Numbers from the Example of the Zone Affected by the Planned Nizhnezeisk Water Reservoir

Podol’ski S., Kastrikin V., Parilov M., Pavlova K., Levik L.


Comparative assessment of the importance of nature conservation in different shoreline areas has become a relevant task as the strategy of sparing management of natural resources is developed for areas impacted by existing and planned water reservoirs. Integral biodiversity indices that characterize species diversity along with abundance parameters for every animal species sighted were developed for the area that would be influenced by the Lower Zeya Hydropower System (currently at the planning stage). The present article includes lists of mammals, reptiles, and amphibians seen in the area, grading scales for the abundance of species and ecological groups of terrestrial vertebrates, a list of the main biotopes, zoning principles for the areas influenced by the reservoir, formulas for calculating the integral parameters of species diversity and animal abundance, and schematic maps of the spatial distribution of the values of integral indices of richness and nature protection significance of the animal populations. Specific recommendations for strengthening the network of Special Protected Natural Areas are given. This study allows for the conclusion that construction of the Lower Zeya hydropower plant will be associated with a high risk of negative consequences for biodiversity and ecological stability on both the local and regional levels.

Biology Bulletin. 2018;45(10):1301-1307
pages 1301-1307 views

Influence of the Vegetation Structure on the Numbers of Great Snipes (Gallinago media) (Scolopacidae, Aves) at Leks

Sviridova T., Soloviev M., Bazhanova A., Soloviev S.


Abstract—The numbers of birds and vegetation structure were analyzed at 13, 7 and 10 leks of great snipes (Gallinago media), which formed at agricultural lands of Moscow Region in 2014–2016, respectively. Not less than 120–130 birds were concentrated on the leks annually, of which 82–94% were males. The numbers of great snipes changed asynchronously at different leks during the breeding season. It depended on neither the lek location (floodplain or watershed) nor the soil penetrability therein. A negative correlation was found between the bird numbers and the height of vegetation (n = 42; Rs = –0.52; p < 0.01) and between the bird numbers and the coverage of vegetation (n = 44; Rs = –0.56; p < 0.01) at the leks during the entire breeding season. Poisson regression has revealed a negative impact (p = 0.0162) of the average grass height on the bird numbers on the leks during the main period of activity of great snipes (May and the first decade of June). However, such relationships were not traced so clear by analyses of the movements of two marked males. A negative correlation between the bird numbers and the variance of grass height (n = 42; Rs = –0.48; p < 0.01) and a positive one between the bird numbers and the variance of grass cover (n = 44; Rs = 0.40; p < 0.01) were found for the entire breeding period (May–June). The numbers of great snipes were found to be positively correlated with the abundance of the lowest vegetation class (10 cm and below) during the entire breeding period (n = 42; Rs = 0.51; p < 0.01) as well as during the period of maximal activity of great snipes (n = 30; Rs = 0.41; p < 0.05). A conclusion was made that the heterogeneity of the projective grass coverage and the presence of fairly large patches with the lowest vegetation rather than the grass height itself are of importance for great snipes when selecting sites for lekking.

Biology Bulletin. 2018;45(10):1308-1315
pages 1308-1315 views

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