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Volume 44, Nº 3 (2017)

Developmental Biology

Gold nanoparticles: Mutagen, antimutagen, or comutagen?

Zakhidov S., Mudzhiri N., Rudoy V., Dement’eva O., Makarov A., Zelenina I., Marshak T.


The effect of ultrasmall gold nanoparticles (GNPs), both direct and in combination with the alkylating mutagen dipin, on the genetic structures of male germ cells in mice were studied using the meiotic micronucleus assay. It was shown for the first time that GNPs can exhibit mutagenic, antimutagenic, and comutagenic activity depending on the experimental conditions.

Biology Bulletin. 2017;44(3):233-236
pages 233-236 views


Proteasomes and transplantology: Current state of the problem and the search for promising trends

Karpova Y., Bozhok G., Alabedal’karim N., Lyupina Y., Astakhova T., Legach E., Sharova N.


Basic research of the structure and functions of multiple forms of proteasomes is overviewed. The proteasomes of liver, acting as a primary lymphoid organ in embryogenesis, displaying nonspecific local immunity, and providing development of tolerance to food and other foreign antigens during the lifespan, are described. The role of individual forms of liver proteasomes in transplantology is considered as well as their utility as markers for endocrine transplant survival.

Biology Bulletin. 2017;44(3):237-244
pages 237-244 views


Special traits of the genetic structure and origin of the population of vendace Coregonus albula of Pleshcheyevo Lake

Borovikova E.


Nucleotide sequences of two regions of mitochondrial DNA are analyzed, that of the ND1-fragment and that of the fragment comprising a part of the cytochrome c oxidase gene. In the population of the vendace Coregonus albula from Pleshcheyevo Lake, there are specimens possessing haplotypes considerably differing from common variants of sequences represented both in the water body under consideration and in other water bodies of the European part of Russia. The level of intrapopulation polymorphism exceeds the level between species.

Biology Bulletin. 2017;44(3):245-250
pages 245-250 views


Comparative characteristics of the bacterial complex in the hyphosphere of basidial macromycetes

Zagryadskaya Y.


A comparison of bacterial complexes from the hyphosphere of 33 basidial macromycetes species (typical representatives of forest biogeocenosis) has been studied. In addition, their similarity to the control soil bacterial complex has been investigated. The changes in the total number of bacteria, the proportion of the potentially viable cell number of saprotrophic bacteria, the structure of the bacterial saprotrophic complex, and the ratio of different phylogenetic groups of prokaryotes in the hyphosphere of basidial macromycetes were determined. A marked species-specific nature of the influence of basidial macromycetes on soil bacterial complexes was specified. Similarities in the saprotrophic bacterial complexes of aphyllophoroid and gasteroid in the hyphosphere of Basidiomycota were revealed.

Biology Bulletin. 2017;44(3):251-260
pages 251-260 views

Structure of microbial communities in red ferralitic soils of Varadero National Park (Matanzas, Cuba)

Lapygina E., Lysak L., Kudinova A.


Comparative study of microbial communities in red ferralitic soil, as well as tree waste and phylloplane of woody plants, of Varadero National Park (Cuba) has been performed. It is shown that the total bacterial abundance and the length of the actinomycete mycelium in the studied soil samples (A horizon) are comparable to and the length of the viable fungal mycelium is lower than the analogous parameters recorded in forest soils of the temperate zone. It is noted that the viability of bacteria is close to that in forest soils of the temperate zone. The maximum concentration of soil biota is found in the A horizon of the studied soils, in contrast to forest biogeocenoses of the temperate zone, where soil biota is concentrated in the litter. It is shown for the first time that prokaryote communities are characterized by a significant presence of filterable forms of bacteria, the content of which increases in the series: soil (A horizon) → tree waste (dry leaves) → phylloplane (green leaves).

Biology Bulletin. 2017;44(3):261-265
pages 261-265 views


Comparison of the species Sinanodonta amurensis Moskvicheva, 1973 and Sinanodonta primorjensis Bogatov et Zatrawkin, 1988 (Bivalvia: Unionidae: Anodontinae) in view of variability of the mitochondrial DNA cox1 gene and conchological features

Sayenko E., Soroka M., Kholin S.


A comparison of the mitochondrial haplotypes and conchological characteristics of shells made for the first time for two species of anodontin freshwater bivalves from the Asian genus Sinanodonta (S. amurensis and S. primorjensis) has confirmed a similarity of these two taxa. It was shown on the basis of statistical analysis that the discussed taxa possess similar shells and similar genetic haplotypes, and the observed differences in DNA sequences of cox1 and shells relate to intraspecific genetic and geographical variation.

Biology Bulletin. 2017;44(3):266-276
pages 266-276 views

Comparative morphological and genetic analysis of populations and species of the genus Daphnia O.F. Müller, 1785 (Crustacea; Daphniidae) from Lake Glubokoe and Lake Chany

Zuykova E., Simonov E., Bochkarev N.


The results of analysis of the variability of body shape of different Daphnia galeata morphs from geographically distinct populations—Lake Glubokoe (Moscow oblast) and Lake Chany (Novosibirsk oblast) are given. The morphological analysis was combined with the analysis of the variability of fragments of the 16S and 12S genes of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and the internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) of the nuclear DNA. A reconstruction of the phylogenetic relationships between species of the genus Daphnia has been performed using a combined fragment of the 16S and 12S genes of the mtDNA. An inconsistency in the distribution of the 12S- and ITS2-haplotypes for the species D. galeata has been revealed, which indicates the introgression of mtDNA in the Lake Chany population.

Biology Bulletin. 2017;44(3):277-289
pages 277-289 views

Temporal characteristics of downstream migration of smolts of the European river lamprey Lampetra fluviatilis in the Chernaya River

Pavlov D., Zvezdin A., Kostin V., Tsimbalov I., Kucheryavyy A.


Data on the seasonal and diurnal dynamics of downstream migration of smolts of the European river lamprey Lampetra fluviatilis are obtained. On the basis of published data and surveys in nature, it is shown that in the largest part of the area the downstream migration of smolts occurs mainly in spring, in the period of high water in rivers caused by snow melting. The smolts undertake downstream migration at night, under minimal illumination. It has been determined experimentally that the smolts are characterized by negative photopreferendum (>90% of smolts preferred illumination <0.4 lx).

Biology Bulletin. 2017;44(3):290-295
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Acoustic signal characters in interspecific hybrids of bank and red-backed voles

Rutovskaya M., Osipova O., Soktin A.


It has been found that distress signals of bank and northern red-backed voles and their hybrids do not differ in qualitative characters, but the modes of the acoustic signal parameters in many cases differ in the hybrids depending on their origin and can be correlated with the inheritance of some morphological characters that are typical for the species. It is noted that the distress-signal frequencies (quartiles) differ significantly in the first-generation hybrids of various origin and their characteristics are closer to those of the paternal parent species. It has been found that the inheritance of the frequency characteristics by the second-generation hybrids does not have a well-pronounced regularity.

Biology Bulletin. 2017;44(3):296-306
pages 296-306 views

Animal and Human Physiology

Expression of thrombospondin-1 and CD36 and CD47 receptors in the rat brain after exposure to damaging factors in the early postnatal period

Malinovskaya N., Pisareva N., Morgun A., Salmina A., Panina Y., Zhukov E., Medvedeva N.


The expression of thrombospondin-1 (TS-1) and its receptors CD47 and CD36 in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus of rats under damaging factors in the early postnatal period was studied. After hypoxia on the 7th day of postnatal development, an increase in the number of CD47-expressing cerebral endothelial cells (days of postnatal development: P28–P70) and reduction in the number of TS-1-expressing astrocytes in the cortex at P28 were observed. In animals subjected to early postnatal stress at the age of P2–P15, a decrease in TS-1-expressing astrocytes in the cortex and hippocampus was registered (predominantly at the age of P28). It was noted that these changes characterize the period of long-term effects (P28–P70) of early stress that is relevant to the processes of reparative angiogenesis and arresting of neurological deficits.

Biology Bulletin. 2017;44(3):307-314
pages 307-314 views


Heterotrophic activity of bacterioplankton along the gradients of the chlorophyll a concentration and water temperature in marine and limnetic ecosystems

Boulion V.


The dependence of the heterotrophic activity of bacterioplankton (V, μg C L–1 h–1) on the concentration of chlorophyll a (Chl, μg L–1) and the water temperature (T) was examined for lakes (37°29′–80°36′ N) and marine polar waters (69°16′–80°36′ N). It was shown that ~76% of the V variations was related to changes in Chl and T.

Biology Bulletin. 2017;44(3):315-321
pages 315-321 views

Taphocenoses of temporary ponds in the steppe zone of European Russia by algo-zoological analysis of recent sediments

Zharov A., Kotov A.


Subfossil algae and invertebrates in the surface sediments of 26 small ponds in Saratov and Volgograd regions have been studied. Algo-zoolgical analysis of recent (surface silt) sediments has been performed. The characteristic features of taphocenoses in temporary ponds of the region under study are revealed, which distinguish them from proportionate ponds in the forest zone. It is found that sediments in the studied temporary ponds are characterized by low concentrations and diversity of biological remains, with the dominance of diatom frustules; Testacea, Ostracoda, and Spongilla sp. spicules are the predominant zoogenic remains. It is revealed that additional subfossil material can be obtained by rinsing sediments and analyzing sieve residues.

Biology Bulletin. 2017;44(3):322-330
pages 322-330 views

Functional diversity of a parasite assemblages of the Chinese sleeper Perccottus glenii Dybowski, 1877 (Actinopterygii: Odontobutidae) and habitat structure of the host

Sokolov S., Zhukov A.


Analysis of the functional diversity of the parasite assemblage of Chinese sleeper individuals, based on classification of parasites by the paths of fish infestation, was conducted. It was ascertained that individuals of the Chinese sleeper obtain mainly ecologically reduced variants of parasite assemblages in the acquired part of the habitat.

Biology Bulletin. 2017;44(3):331-336
pages 331-336 views

Soil biogenecity as an indicator of sustainability of artificial forest plantations under dry-steppe conditions in Khakassia

Sorokin N., Sorokina O., Senashova V.


Reforestation is very important in controlling land degradation and desertification. It has been established that the early diagnostics of the forest-growth conditions of soils and sustainability of forest plantations can be estimated by biogenic factors, such as the structure, dynamics, and functional activity of microbial complexes closely related to agrochemical soil indicators. The survival and sustainability of experimental forest plantations that were established in 1975 to 1978 on erosion-prone lands in the coastal zone of Shira Lake (Khakassia) have been studied. The forest growing properties of soils and the transformation of their fertility under the influence of stands have been evaluated.

Biology Bulletin. 2017;44(3):337-343
pages 337-343 views

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