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Volume 43, Nº 10 (2016)


Genetic markers in studies on dreissenides (Dreissenidae, Bivalvia)

Voroshilova I.


This review summarizes published data on the genetic markers used in studies of dreissenide invasions. Causes of genetic differences between local populations are discussed. It is shown that information about the genetic diversity of populations obtained by marker polymorphism analysis should be compared to study invasion directions.

Biology Bulletin. 2016;43(10):1301-1307
pages 1301-1307 views

Underyearlings of dreissenid mussels (Dreissenidae, Bivalvia) in the phytophylic communities in the mouth area of the Rybinsk Reservoir tributary

Zhgareva N.


The data on the abundance and biomass of dreissenid underyearlings in macrophyte stands in different zones of the mouth part of a small tributary of Rybinsk Reservoir are presented. The highest density and biomass of underyearlings are recorded in the transient zone of the reservoir and the river mouth cross section. It is shown that the number of dreissenid underyearlings inhabiting the mouth area has not changed considerably in the years with unfavorable meteorological conditions.

Biology Bulletin. 2016;43(10):1308-1312
pages 1308-1312 views

Veliger larvae of dreissenids (Bivalvia, Dreissenidae) in the plankton foodweb of Rybinsk Reservoir

Lazareva V., Kopylov A., Sokolova E., Pryanichnikova E.


The abundance dynamics of adult dreissenids (Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas) and D. bugensis Andrusov) and of their larvae and the spatial distribution of the abundance of veligers and their role in the functioning of the plankton community have been analyzed on the basis of the data of original long-term monitoring (2004–2013) in Rybinsk Reservoir. The dreissenid veligers are most abundant in the summer time (July to August) when their number is comparable to that of the filter-feeding crustaceans and their biomass is close to that of rotifers. Before 2010 the production of veligers during the vegetation season comprised about 5% of the production of metazooplankton and the food consumption was about 1% of the primary production of phytoplankton. Pelagic invertebrate predators consumed about 90% of the production of veligers for the vegetation period. After 2010, the abundance of dreissenid larvae and their functional characteristics decreased by a factor of 5–6. Trophic relationships between zooplankton and veligers are discussed.

Biology Bulletin. 2016;43(10):1313-1321
pages 1313-1321 views

Dreissenid species (Mollusca, Dreissenidae) in the Upper Volga reservoirs

Pryanichnikova E.


The results of our long-term studies of populations of two dreissenid species (Dreisena polymorpha Pallas, 1771 and D. bugensis Andrusov, 1897) in Rybinsk and Gorkii reservoirs have been analyzed. New habitats of D. bugensis have been found in Rybinsk Reservoir.

Biology Bulletin. 2016;43(10):1322-1326
pages 1322-1326 views

Perennial dynamics of dreissenid (Dressenidae, Bivalvia) populations and communities in the benthos and periphyton of the cooling pond of the Chernobyl NPP

Silayeva A., Protasov A., Morozovskaya I.


This article presents results of long-term studies of the communities of Zebra mussel and Quagga mussel in the cooling pond of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant (Ukraine). The peculiarities of the sequential invasion of these two species and the formation of consortium-type communities by them are considered.

Biology Bulletin. 2016;43(10):1327-1333
pages 1327-1333 views

Changes in the population of forest and dendrophilous birds of the clay semidesert in the Volga–Ural interfluve over sixty years

Bykov A., Bukhareva O.


The modern situation of the vertebrate population in the clay semidesert of the interfluve of the Volga and Ural rivers differs significantly from that observed 50–60 years ago. This is due to the fact that reduction of ravine forests and steppe shrubs (which began in the 18th century) has extremely affected the forest and dendrophilous animals. The artificial afforestation, especially intense since the middle of the 20th century, provided surrogate “forest” sites in the region by the end of the 1970s. This helped to restore the missing species and raise the abundance and dispersal of forest and dendrophilous animals. By the beginning of the 21st century, afforestation had stopped in the region and the plantation areas had begun to shrink. Some trends in the populations of mammals and birds can be already noticed.

Biology Bulletin. 2016;43(10):1334-1340
pages 1334-1340 views

Gibel carp Carassius auratus (Cyprinidae, Actinopterygii) in flowing water bodies of the Don River basin and the Lower Volga River basin

Vekhov D.


Data on the occurrence of Gibel carp in flowing water bodies of the Don River basin and the Lower Volga River basin are given. It is shown that gibel carp actively seeks for habitats with flowing water and can persist for a long time in streams with a current velocity from 1.0 to 1.3 m/s and overcome chutes with a current velocity of 2.6 m/s and streams with a depth of less than the body depth of the fish. Therefore, gibel carp is proposed to be considered as a lake–river fish. The outbreak of this species in streams is associated with its spawning period, when it moves in search of spawning grounds. It is assumed that these movements may contribute to its settling in rivers.

Biology Bulletin. 2016;43(10):1341-1345
pages 1341-1345 views

Ecologocenotical characteristics of the herbaceous cover along the highways of Nizhny Novgorod

Zhestkova D., Uromova I.


A total of 86 species of vascular plants have been found in the studied territories along the highways of Nizhny Novgorod. Asteraceae, Poaceae, and Fabaceae play a great role in the taxonomic structure of herbs. Cyperaceae and Rosaceae are less important. Among the ecologocenotical groups, meadow species form the basis of the herbaceous cover, but their participation diminishes at distances of 1–3 m from the highways. Herbaceous plants include also flowering meadow species, which play an indispensable aesthetic role.

Biology Bulletin. 2016;43(10):1346-1349
pages 1346-1349 views

Structural and functional characteristics of the bacterioplankton of rivers flowing through a large city (Cherepovets, Upper Volga Region)

Kopylov A., Ievleva T., Romanenko A., Zabotkina E.


The structural and functional properties of the bacterioplankton in two small rivers and the Sheksna River that run through the large industrial city of Cherepovets were studied from April to October 2009–2011. The three-year average numbers and biomass of planktonic bacteria in small rivers were 18.7–18.8 million cells/mL and 3.5–4.9 g/m3, respectively; these values in the Sheksna River’s littoral zone were 15.8 million cells/mL and 2.2 g/m3. The bacterioplankton production in the small water courses exceeded that in the Sheksna River by a factor of 1.8–2.2. The contribution of bacterial filaments to the total biomass and the total bacterioplankton production increases in small polluted rivers.

Biology Bulletin. 2016;43(10):1350-1356
pages 1350-1356 views

Nesting of the willow warbler (Phylloscopus trochilus Linnaeus, 1758) (Sylviidae, Aves) in natural and urban habitats of Karelia

Matantseva M., Simonov S., Lapshin N.


Our study was carried out within the framework of the project “Ecological and Behavioral Adaptations of Birds Typical for Natural Habitats to the Urban Environment.” The willow warbler was chosen as a model object in this investigation aimed to provide comparative analysis of the bird breeding behavior in natural and urban areas of Karelia. The breeding dates, preferred biotopes and nest sites, and the clutch characteristics and reproductive relations of the willow warblers were found to be similar in various conditions, whereas their flight distances were shorter and the alarm call intensity was higher in urban habitats than in forest ones. Possible explanations for the results obtained are given.

Biology Bulletin. 2016;43(10):1357-1364
pages 1357-1364 views

Peculiarities of the zooperiphyton succession in beaver ponds of a small river

Skal’skaya I.


The increase in the species diversity of the zooperiphyton and intensifying succession due to the increase of the abundance of chironomid larvae (stage I) was observed upstream along the small Latka River (a tributary of Rybinsk Reservoir) during the first year after the appearance of the beaver dam, when the depth increased and the flow velocity decreased. In the beaver pond, which was overgrown by yellow water-lily, the zoocenose succession depended greatly on the abundance of the vegetating and fading plants. During the vegetation period, at high abundance of the yellow water-lily, the species richness of the zoocenose decreased, and then it increased again the next year, when new vegetation was low, and the old plants were decomposing en masse. Directly downstream from one of the beaver dams, the mollusks affected negatively the seasonal succession of the zoocenoses under an instable water level and current regime, when they removed nearly all the fouling from the substrates.

Biology Bulletin. 2016;43(10):1365-1369
pages 1365-1369 views

Dynamics of vegetation in the Volga–Akhtuba floodplain (by the example of a transect near the settlement of Bolkhuny)

Bondareva V., Golub V.


The data of repeated surveys (1955, 1971, 1982, and 2013) of the vegetation on a transect crossing the Volga–Akhtuba floodplain near the settlement of Bolkhuny (Astrakhan region) have been analyzed. The highest xerophytization rate of the vegetation was revealed in 2013.

Biology Bulletin. 2016;43(10):1370-1376
pages 1370-1376 views

Structural dynamics of the breeding population of larks (Alaudidae, Aves) in the semidesert of the Saratov Trans-Volga region

Oparin M., Kondratenkov I., Konyushkova M., Oparina O., Mamaev A., Trofimov I., Trofimova L.


According to our data on the density of breeding pairs of five lark species obtained from route censuses, the dynamics of their population in the Mezhuzenskii and Uzensko-Dyurinskii landscapes of the semidesert in the Caspian lowland is considered. Our five-year census work was carried out on key sites 25 km2 in area, with mapping and description of the soils and vegetation using remote sensing techniques. Our comprehensive studies of these key areas have revealed the dynamics of the individual lark species characteristic of the northwestern part of the Trans-Volga region of the Caspian lowland and the changes in the level of vegetation of the plant component of individual landscape tracts depending on the moisture level in certain years. It is shown that, in the monotonous plain conditions, an important role in the distribution of the specific population of larks is played by the meso- and micro-relief, which determines the soil salinity, and the distribution of moisture and vegetation groups (which predetermine the features of bird habitats). The interannual variability of the population structure of larks is shown, which, in the modern conditions of consistently low anthropogenic pressure, is determined by the weather in specific years, which determines the level of vegetation and, therefore, changes in the nesting conditions of birds in specific habitats.

Biology Bulletin. 2016;43(10):1377-1388
pages 1377-1388 views

Radionuclide accumulation in mushrooms over the territory of Pleshcheyevo Lake National Park

Pelgunov A., Pelgunova L.


This paper presents data on the accumulation of radionuclides (of both natural and anthropogenic origin) in five mushroom species. Based on the results of this research, the area can be considered environmentally pure, and the technogenic radionuclides found mainly belong to the global nuclear fallout from nuclear weapons tests and the Chernobyl accident traces.

Biology Bulletin. 2016;43(10):1389-1392
pages 1389-1392 views

Climate changes and virgin vegetation dynamics in the Northern Caspian lowland

Sapanov M., Sizemskaya M.


A wavy trend toward increasing vegetation biomass in desert, semidesert, and steppe communities growing on solonetzic soils was discovered in the Northern Caspian region over a 60-year observation period (1952–2013). The trend is caused by warming during winter months (due to redistribution of soil moisture) and the improvement of hydrothermal conditions in spring months (the period of most active plant vegetation).

Biology Bulletin. 2016;43(10):1393-1400
pages 1393-1400 views

Importance of the ratios of the forms of nutrients for assessment of the modern state of Rybinsk Reservoir

Stepanova I., Bikbulatova E.


Various ratios of nutrient forms have been analyzed on the basis of the materials collected in Rybinsk Reservoir in the years 2001 to 2011. The analysis was used for assessment of the modern state of the reservoir. The total nitrogen (TN) to total phosphorus (TP) ratio is the most informative parameter. During the study period at all sampling stations, the average value of this ratio was 17.0. This value indicates the lack of limitation of development of phytoplankton by these nutrients. High values of the absolute concentration of nitrate nitrogen and its proportion in the total mineral nitrogen (which are important indicators of increasing eutrophication), as well as the percentage of inorganic phosphorus, were revealed in Volzhskii reach and the upper part of Sheksninskii reach of the reservoir. These values indicate the eutrophic state of the above areas of the reservoir.

Biology Bulletin. 2016;43(10):1401-1406
pages 1401-1406 views

The American mink Neovison vison Schreber, 1777 (Carnivora, Mustelidae) in the floodplain and right-shore ecosystems of the Volgograd water reservoir: Seasonal changes in its spatial structure, feeding, and temporal activity

Filip’echev A., Belyachenko A., Savonin A.


As a result of our long-term research (1978–2013), the spatial structure patterns of American mink (Neovison vison Schreber, 1777) populations, their nutrition, and daily and seasonal activity in the floodplain and right-bank ecosystems of the Volgograd water reservoir have been revealed. The average size of the home ranges of the mink is 22.4 ha for females and 34.7 ha for males on the islands. On the right shore of the reservoir, they are significantly larger, namely, 51.3 and 75.5 ha, respectively. The diet of the mink is based on three forage groups: mammals (primarily mouselike rodents) (18.8–42.7% BIO), fish (5.6–39.1% BIO), and amphibians (17.1–51.7% BIO). Other food is significant only in certain seasons. On the floodplain islands, the mink is the most active in spring and fall, while its summer activity decreases, and in winter the daily rhythm clearly has two peaks, the morning and evening ones. On the right bank, due to the food scarcity in some seasons, the activity peaks are smooth.

Biology Bulletin. 2016;43(10):1407-1415
pages 1407-1415 views

The specific assemblage structure of longhorn beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) in floodplain forests of the western part of Saratov oblast

Gorshkova V., Volodchenko A.


The biodiversity structure and habitat requirements of longhorn beetles (Cerambycidae) in floodplain forests of the western part of Saratov oblast were studied from 2011 to 2014. A total of 51 species of longhorn beetles has been identified. The largest subfamilies are Cerambycinae (19 species), Lepturinae (17 species), and Lamiinae (13 species). The specific communities include 34, 14, 11, 9, 7, 7, 6, and 3 species for oak, aspen, elm, willow, linden, maple, alder, and ash tree, respectively. The largest number of longhorn beetle species was found in oak forests.

Biology Bulletin. 2016;43(10):1416-1421
pages 1416-1421 views

Composition and distribution of sibling species of Chironomus Meigen, 1803 (Diptera, Chironomidae) in Curonian Lagoon of the Baltic Sea

Markiyanova M.


The species composition of Chironomus in the Curonian Lagoon has been investigated. It was shown that three sibling species of the plumosus group, namely, Ch. plumosus, Ch. balatonicus, and Ch. muratensis, and a first-generation interspecific hybrid Ch. muratensis × Ch. plumosus lived here. The occurrence frequency in the lagoon was 87, 19, 6, and 3% for Ch. plumosus, Ch. balatonicus, Ch. muratensis × Ch. plumosus, and Ch. muratensis, respectively. The species Ch. plumosus was recorded in all the areas (southern, central, and northern), while Ch. balatonicus was found only in the northern area in the village of Juodkrante near the city of Klaipeda. Presumably, the distribution of these sibling species is due to the presence of a salinity gradient in the lagoon.

Biology Bulletin. 2016;43(10):1422-1427
pages 1422-1427 views

Abundance dynamics of the Trans-Volga great bustard (Otididae, Aves) population

Oparina O., Kondratenkov I., Oparin M., Mamaev A., Trofimova L.


The results of our study of the abundance dynamics of the great bustard population in the southern part of the Saratov Trans-Volga region for the period from 1998 to 2015 are presented on the basis of censuses carried out before the migration for wintering in the fall and on leks in the spring. The abundance dynamics was analyzed, and the factors causing it were identified. Data on the distribution of the great bustard population density over an account area of 12000 km2 are presented.

Biology Bulletin. 2016;43(10):1428-1433
pages 1428-1433 views

Transformation of plant cover on the territory of the Tytkesken’-2 settlement (Altai Mountains) from the fourth century BC to the present day according to paleobotanical data

Solomonova M., Silant’eva M., Kiryushin K.


A phytolithic study was made on the territory of the archaeological site Tytkesken’-2 to reconstruct the stages of plant cover transformation. Phytoliths of grasses growing on the research site and the phytolithic composition of the soil profile containing the cultural horizons of the Neolithic, Eneolithic, Bronze, and Scythian ages were studied. The comparison of the modern plant phytoliths with the silica soil particles revealed information about the anthropogenic and climatic changes of plant cover on the site. Our important achievement is identification of the stage of maximum anthropogenic impact on the plant cover of the area during the Final Neolithic.

Biology Bulletin. 2016;43(10):1434-1439
pages 1434-1439 views

Brief Communications

Ecology of the little-known ant species Camponotus fedtschenkoi Mayr, 1877 (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in Bogdinsko–Baskunchakskii State Nature Reserve

Grebennikov K., Anikin V.


Data on the distribution, ecology, and biology of the ant Camponotus fedtschenkoi Mayr, 1877 (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in Bogdinsko–Baskunchakskii State Nature Reserve (the only known habitat of this species in Russia) have been given. Critical analysis of the published data on the ecology and biology of the species has been provided.

Biology Bulletin. 2016;43(10):1440-1443
pages 1440-1443 views

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