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Том 54, № 7 (2018)

Acoustic Methods

Small-Angle Acoustic Tomography under Shadow Testing with Antenna Arrays

Soldatov A., Soldatov P., Soldatov A., Kostina M., Shul’gina Y.


Results of the experimental studies of an acoustic tract by the shadow testing method are provided. An inhomogeneous distribution of acoustic rays is revealed within the testing zone. The principle of producing a tomogram under small–angle probing is demonstrated. As a result of studying the error in determining the coordinates of flaws in different parts of the testing zone, it has been established that the least error corresponds to the flaw position at the center of the testing zone.

Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2018;54(7):463-468
pages 463-468 views

Finite-Difference Time Domain Method. Calculating Echo Signals in Homogeneous Isotropic Materials

Bazulin E., Konovalov D., Sadykov M.


The method of finite differences in time domain (FDTD) can be used to calculate echo signals in numerical ultrasonic-inspection experiments. As the FDTD method is based on the explicit numerical solution of the wave equation for elastic medium, it can be used to take account of the emergence of a run round wave on a bulk reflector, the effects of a longitudinal wave transforming into a lateral one in the scattering of ultrasound on a crack, and rescattering of pulses between reflectors and test object boundaries. Numerical solution of the vector wave equation by the FDTD method, in contrast to the modelling methods based on the theory of ray tubes, enables a more accurate modeling of ultrasonic inspection results. In this article, three options are considered for suppressing pulse reflections from computational grid boundaries. Calculating the direct problem of the propagation of elastic vibrations through a solid body by the FDTD method may prove useful when solving the inverse coefficient problem of nondestructive ultrasonic inspection.

Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2018;54(7):469-478
pages 469-478 views

An Ultrasonic Method for Determining Adhesive Strength

Romanishin R., Romanishin I., Student M., Gvozdetskii V., Rusin B., Romanishin G., Koshevoi V., Semak S., Krygul R.


A nondestructive method has been proposed for determining the adhesive strength of a multilayer coating at the surface of a thick-walled object based on recording and statistically processing the backscattered signal in the form of an A-scan. The physical principles of the method, its ultrasonic implementation, and results of its experimental testing on thermal-spray coated specimens are presented.

Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2018;54(7):479-486
pages 479-486 views

Vibration-Based Diagnostics and Structural Analysis of Research on Nonlinear Dynamic Processes in Maglev-Suspension Rotor Turbomachines

Mormul R., Pavlov D., Sal’nikov A.


The mathematical apparatus used in the wavelet and Fourier analyses has been applied to studying the spectral composition of a frequency-domain interaction between nonlinear dynamic processes of the gas-dynamic, mechanical, and electromagnetic nature in maglev-suspension (MLS) rotor turbomachines in different operating modes. A mathematical model for the optimum operation of an automated maglev-suspension–control system (AMSCS) has been developed. Reasons have been revealed for the emergence of a low-frequency carrier subharmonic frequency component of the mechanical nature (an astable mode), which led to the emergency stops of MLS turbosets and to the emergence of flaws in the rotor part of the radial electromagnet and in the stator part of the magnetic suspension. The developed set of scientific and engineering solutions has allowed a 76% reduction in the amplitude of MLS-rotor precession.

Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2018;54(7):487-494
pages 487-494 views

Full Curve Damage Process of Polypropylene Fiber Reinforced Mortars under Dynamic Tensile Loading Based on Acoustic Emission Technique

Yan W., Jie C., Li Z., Zhi C., Xiang H., Lu G.


The study of the full curve damage process of polypropylene fiber reinforced mortars under medium strain rate (10–6 s–1–10–4 s–1) could enrich the understanding of the dynamic damage characteristics of polypropylene fiber reinforced structures. In order to explore the physical mechanisms of polypropylene fiber in the dynamic damage process of the polypropylene fiber reinforced mortars. The real-time dynamic acoustic emission (AE) technology was applied to monitor the damage process of polypropylene fiber reinforced mortars at different strain rates. The analysis of characteristics of AE wavelet energy spectrum and the average AE peak frequency of polypropylene fiber reinforced mortars with different polypropylene fiber content at different strain rates were conducted. The results show that with the accumulation of damage, the AE wavelet energy spectrum in ca8 frequency band increases first and then decreases and the average AE peak frequency increases gradually. The AE wavelet energy spectrum in ca8 frequency band and the average AE peak frequency decreases gradually with the increase of the strain rate, but them increases first and then decreases with the increase of polypropylene fiber content. The above AE characteristics could provide important information for the identification of dynamic damage mechanism of polypropylene reinforced fiber mortars.

Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2018;54(7):495-509
pages 495-509 views

An Analysis of Excitation Pulse Adjustable Signal of Ultrasonic Flaw Detection

Zhang Q., Chen C.


This research focuses on the influence of the ultrasonic flaw detection circuit on the ultrasonic emission. A software simulation and the super-exploration test are adopted. The characteristics of the transmitting circuit, the spike wave pulse generator and the square wave pulse generator are analyzed by simulating the pulse amplitude, the square wave pulse width and the transmitting pulse damping of the pulse generator. On the basis of simulations and experiments the fact that the best pulse effect relies on a reasonable coordination of pulse width and damping resistance is further verified. By using double-high-speed output power switch, appropriate adjustments on square wave pulse generator help to excite twice the charge voltage than the spike pulse generator can stimulate.

Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2018;54(7):510-518
pages 510-518 views

Electrical Methods

A Method for Evaluating Failure in Reinforced Concrete under Bending Based on the Response of Electrical Parameters to an Impact Action

Fursa T., Petrov M., Dann D.


The regularities of changes in the properties of the electrical response of reinforced concrete to an impact action in a four-point bending flexural test and the influence of the rebar cage configuration on the processes of failure in reinforced beams and on electrical response parameters have been studied. Criteria have been proposed for determining the stages of failure in reinforced concrete beams, based on electrical response parameters. The nucleation and growth of macrocracks in the tensile zones of reinforced beams is accompanied by a drop in the maximum cross-correlation coefficient of signal spectra at the current and previous loading levels to 0.45–0.6. An increase in the energy attenuation coefficient of electrical responses in a reinforced beam by 1.5–2.5 times can serve as a precursor to its impending catastrophic breakdown.

Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2018;54(7):519-527
pages 519-527 views

Optical Methods

The Model of a Fiber-Optic Sensor for Monitoring Mechanical Stresses in Mine Workings

Yurchenko A., Mekhtiyev A., Bulatbayev F., Neshina Y., Alkina A.


The topicality of this work is due to the importance of developing such a new-generation monitoring computer-aided measurement system intended for ensuring the safety of mining works and coal mining that would allow one to monitor all required parameters and defects in a massif. Additional optic-fiber losses have been investigated with the aim to develop the sensors of the computeraided measurement system for monitoring the technical condition of mining practice objects. Dependences between the number of deformed fiber sections and additional losses have been revealed for different wavelengths in the optical range; deformations and mechanical stresses in the optic fiber have been determined under stepwise pressure increase. Based on this data, a model has been proposed for an optic-fiber sensor intended for monitoring mechanical stresses in mine workings.

Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2018;54(7):528-533
pages 528-533 views

Variation-of-Weight Method for Optimizing the Single and Group Diagnostics of Articles and Physical Media

Ismailov K., Eminov R., Guseinova R., Abbasova S.


Based on a physical object having the property of generating mutually inverse signals when influenced by some external or internal action, the problem of optimized joint diagnostic measurements has been formulated and solved. The method of varying a weight coefficient has been proposed for determining physical quantities that characterize inspected articles and objects based on the extremum of the weighted scalar convolution of measured auxiliary parameters of these objects. In this case, it is assumed that the measured parameters are in a mutually inverse functional relationship with the physical quantity being determined. The aim of the studies also includes further extension of this method to a group of objects. A technique for implementing the method has been developed and a way to generalize it to include the case of the group diagnostics of objects is set forth.

Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2018;54(7):534-538
pages 534-538 views

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