


One of the advantages of systemic cytotoxic therapy is the «transformation» of positive axillary nodes into negative nodes (cN+ → cN-); a similar concept is used in randomized clinical trials with «post-neoadjuvant» sentinel lymph node - pNsn. In studies of ACOSOG Z1071, SENTINA, SN FNAC, was evaluated the frequency of a false-negative result with a biopsy of the sentinel lymph node (BSLU) after neodjuvant chemotherapy. It was proved that there was no need for immunohistochemical examination of lymph nodes using the BSLU technique followed by adjuvant therapy, since the detected micrometastases did not worsen overall survival. As for patients with biopsy of signaling lymph nodes after neodjuvant chemotherapy, nowadays particular interest of prognostic in significance for micrometastases and individual tumor cells in the lymph nodes, as well as an estimate of the frequency of false-negative result.


Elena Bit-Sava

Saint-Petersburg Clinical Scientific and Practical Center of Specialized Medical Assistance (Oncological)

MD, PhD, DSc, head of the departmrnt of oncological surgical methods of treatment (tumors of bones, skin, soft tissues and breast), Saint-Petersburg Clinical Scientific and Practical Center of Specialized Medical Assistance (Oncological), 197758, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation; Professor of the Department of Oncology, Pediatric Oncology and Radiation Therapy, St. Petersburg Pediatric University, Russian Federation 197758, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation

M. Anchabadze

Saint-Petersburg Clinical Scientific and Practical Center of Specialized Medical Assistance (Oncological)

197758, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation

M. Monogarova

Saint-Petersburg Clinical Scientific and Practical Center of Specialized Medical Assistance (Oncological)

197758, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation

V. Moiseenko

Saint-Petersburg Clinical Scientific and Practical Center of Specialized Medical Assistance (Oncological)

197758, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation


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