


The problem of the quality of life of elderly gastric cancer patients after surgical treatment, is still insufficiently studied. Functional results of the management of 91 patients, underwent surgical treatment at the age of 75 years and older, are represented. 35 patients underwent gastrectomy, 56 patients - subtotal distal resection. The quality of life was assessed at the second year after surgery according to both the Performance Scales for the Karnofsky & ECOG Scores, as well as the modified form of EORTC QLQ-STO 22. Only 40% of patients were fully recovered after total gastrectomy and 57.1% of cases - after gastric resection. 28.6% and 35.7% of patients respectively were incapable for full activity and required support. Patients with severe disability and cases needed a significant care amounted to 28.6% and 2.8% in the group of patients after gastrectomy and only 3.6% in the group of cases after the gastric resection. Thus, in elderly patients with gastric cancer after surgical treatment, a significant deterioration of the quality of life is observed, and therefore the tactic of minimization of the radical surgical intervention in this age group is reasonable.


Sergey Nered

N.N. Blokhin National Medical Research Center of Oncology

Email: nered@mail.ru
MD, PhD, DSc, Leading Researcher of the Department of Abdominal Oncology of the Research Institute of Clinical Oncology, 115478, Moscow, Russian Federation Moscow, 115478, Russian Federation

I. Stilidi

N.N. Blokhin National Medical Research Center of Oncology

Moscow, 115478, Russian Federation

G. Rokhoev

State clinical hospital the name of the Bakhrushins brothers of the Department of health of Moscow city

Moscow, 107014, Russian Federation


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