Epidemiological aspects of the prevalence of thyroid cancer in the Azerbaijan Republic over the period of 2009-2015




Analysis of the prevalence of thyroid gland cancer (TGC) of the population of Azerbaijan over the period 2009-2015 showed a relatively unfavorable situation, as evidenced by the steady rise in the morbidity rate of this nosology. Over 7 years, there was noted the gain in coefficients of extensivity and intensity of the given pathology among the population of the Republic. Prevalence factor for TGC has increased till 2015 by almost 2 times (11.7 0/0000 vs. 5.20/0000). The peak of the incidence corresponds to the age group of 50-59 years (0.60/0000). Five-year survival for this nosology has tended to the decrease, and varied in the range of from 36.3% to 29.0%.


Fuad Mardanli

National Centre of Oncology

Email: fuad.mardanli@gmail.com
MD, PhD, DSc, Prof., Head of the Departnebt of Epidemiology and Statistics of malignant neoplasmas Baku, 1011, Azerbaijan Republic

A. Aliyev

National Centre of Oncology

Baku, 1011, Azerbaijan Republic

N. Guliyev

National Centre of Oncology

Baku, 1011, Azerbaijan Republic

I. Aliyeva

Azerbaijan Medical University

Baku, 1022, Azerbaijan Republic

A. Aliyeva

National Centre of Oncology

Baku, 1011, Azerbaijan Republic


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