The results of screening for prostate cancer in men aged up to 55 years




In an analysis of 5414 men aged 45-55 years with a PSA level > 4 ng/ml, who underwent 6 point biopsy under ultrasound control, during the first round of screening 21 prostate cancer (PCa) cases were diagnosed, that accounted 0,4% of all examined men. To improve the diagnostic for PCa in the second round of screening it was proposed to decline PSA to 2,5 ng/ml as a threshold, and in case of its excess to perform 12points biopsy. Due to this modification the detection of PCa was increased by 1,85 times. Perhaps, introducing of this method will help to make early detection for PCa more effectively.


D. Tarend

Minsk Regional Clinical Hospital

Minsky distr., 223041, Belarus

O. Sukonko

N.N. Alexandrov National Cancer Centre

Minsk, 223040, Belarus

S. Krasny

N.N. Alexandrov National Cancer Centre

Minsk, 223040, Belarus

Svyataslau Semenov

N.N. Alexandrov National Cancer Centre

urologist, Department of the urology Minsk, 223040, Belarus

A. Karman

N.N. Alexandrov National Cancer Centre

Minsk, 223040, Belarus


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