Clinical case of palliative antegrade surgical treatment of cancer of the major duodenal papilla




In the structure of malignant tumors, accompanied by obstructive jaundice, there are most occurred such as the lesion of the pancreas (47%), bile duct cancer (20%) also papillary carcinoma (MDP) and gall bladder cancer (about 15%). In the case of inoperable tumor, in elderly and senile patients with severe concomitant somatic pathology, there are indicated palliative interventions as follows: percutaneous transhepatic external or external-internal drainage of the biliary tract with possible subsequent percutaneous transhepatic stenting of the common bile duct. Under our observation there was a patient of 75 years with verified major duodenal papilla cancer, complicated by obstructive jaundice, to whom as the first step there was performed percutaneous transhepatic external-internal drainage of the biliary tract, and as the second one - percutaneous transhepatic stenting of the common bile duct.


Yury Vinnik

Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after Prof. V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky

MD, PhD, Dsc, professor, Head of the Department of General Surgery named after prof. M.I. Gulman Krasnoyarsk, 660022, Russian Federation

E. Serova

Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after Prof. V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky; Krasnoyarsk Interregional Clinical Hospital N 4

Krasnoyarsk, 660022, Russian Federation

D. Chernykh

Krasnoyarsk Interregional Clinical Hospital ambulance named after N.S. Karpovich

Krasnoyarsk, 660062, Russian Federation

A. Kovalev

Republican Clinical Hospital named after G.Ya. Remishevskaya

Abakan, 655012, Russian Federation

D. Stratovich

Krasnoyarsk Interregional Clinical Hospital N 4

660094, Russian Federation

I. Prusov

Krasnoyarsk Interregional Clinical Hospital N 4

660094, Russian Federation


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