Experience of the use of mitotan in the combined treatment of adrenocortical cancer




In this article we both summarized the knowledge about epidemiology, pathophysiology and diagnosis of adrenocortical cancer (ACC) and discussed treatment issues and main management mistakes. Despite the poor prognosis of the disease, options for the advanced treatment of ACC patients with differentiated approach can significantly improve the overall and disease-free survival rate. In this connection the question arises about the multidisciplinary approach in the treatment of ACC patients with the inclusion of maximum and timely set measures: surgical, drug (mitotan therapy, chemotherapy, replacement and supportive therapy) and radiation therapy.


I. Dedov

Endocrine Research Center

Moscow, 117036, Russian Federation

G. Melnichenko

Endocrine Research Center

Moscow, 117036, Russian Federation

Dmitry Beltsevich

Endocrine Research Center

Email: belts67@gmail.com
MD, PhD, Chief Researcher of the Department of Surgery of the Endocrine Research Center Moscow, 117036, Russian Federation

B. Alexeev

P.A. Hertsen Moscow Oncology Research Institute

Moscow, 125284, Russian Federation

V. Gorbunova

N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center

Moscow, 115478, Russian Federation

N. Perevodchikova

N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center

Moscow, 115478, Russian Federation

A. Rayhman

N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center

Moscow, 115478, Russian Federation

G. Gildeeva

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University

Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation


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