Morbidity, mortality, long-term outcomes and sequelae of the treatment of cancer patients in different countries of the world




Due to the gain in the average life expectancy in developed countries there is increased the incidence rate of malignant neoplasms. According to the forecast of the USA National Cancer Institute in the next 20 years every 2nd American man and every third American woman will get sick with cancer, and therefore oncology should be considered to be the main medical specialty. Molecular characterization of tumors will become routine, and it will provide an opportunity via screening to detect precancerous abnormalities and early forms of cancer. Surgery will become mostly organsaving modality, radical mutilating surgery will go down in history, traditional chemotherapy with low selectivity of action will send to the glue factory. In the arsenal there will stay well-aimed «targeted» drugs hitting right on target mechanisms of the uncontrolled growth of tumor cells and their dissemination.


Avgust Garin

N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center

MD, Phd, DSc, Prof., Chief researcher of the Department of clinical pharmacology and chemotherapy of the Research Institute of Clinical Oncology Moscow, 115478, Russian Federation

I. Bazin

N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center

Moscow, 115478, Russian Federation


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