Clinical morphological features of a hereditary breast cancer and their influence on the treatment




Objective - to examine the clinical and morphological characteristics of hereditary breast cancer and their impact on the nature of the treatment. Material and methods. A comparative study between women with hereditary forms of breast cancer and sporadic breast cancer. The work is based on information about 727 women. The women were divided into two groups: primary, including 377 women with hereditary forms of breast cancer and a comparison to include 350 women with sporadic breast cancer. Results. Statistically significant differences were obtained by the nature, location, growth receptor status of the tumor site, presence of regional lymph node metastasis by special treatment.


Ya. Shoykhet

Altai State Medical University

656000, Barnaul, Russian Federation

A. Lazarev

Altai State Medical University; N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center; The Altai Regional Oncological Clinic

The Altai Branch of N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center 656000, Barnaul, Russian Federation

Alina Gofman

Altai State Medical University

MD 656000, Barnaul, Russian Federation

N. Zadontseva

Altai State Medical University

656000, Barnaul, Russian Federation

D. Lazareva

Altai Regional Oncological Clinic

656000, Barnaul, Russian Federation


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