Organization of medico-social work in medical institutions, which provide specialized and high-tech care for children hematologic malignancies




The steadily increasing importance of medical and social measures, focused on patients with oncohaematology pathology. It is extremely important to identify the most significant problems in the practice of doctor working on a profile “child oncohaematology” during the expert work to develop measures to optimize this type of activity in the modern world. There results of the survey of experts in 40 largest Russian clinics are submitted. These features of oncology specialists at the whole stages of treatment could impact the possibility of access to social benefits guaranteed by the state to families with disabled children. Necessary to improve the rehabilitation of patients to end their terms of disability was accompanied by a successful social integration in society.


E. Zhukovskaya

Dmitry Rogachev Federal Research and Clinical Center

зав. научно-организационным отд. 117997, Moscow, Russian Federation

G. Novichkova

Dmitry Rogachev Federal Research and Clinical Center

117997, Moscow, Russian Federation


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