


The review of literature provides information on the use of temozolomide in the treatment of malignant astrocytic gliomas. The drug is the standard chemotherapy for recurrent malignant gliomas, by being superior to other agents in relapse-free survival rates, without substantially affecting overall survival. Temozolomide is also a standard component of chemoradiotherapy for new-onset glioblastoma multiforme. A combination of temozolomide and other drugs does not outperform monotherapy with the former in most cases. However, there is its synergism with platinum preparations and the inhibitors of topoisomerase and integrin receptor, which makes it urgent to develop new treatments against for gliomas. Alternative temozolomide regimens may be useful in overcoming the resistance to the drug and in minimizing its toxicity.


K. Borisov

Republican Clinical Dispensary, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Email: konstantin9671@rambler.ru
канд. мед. наук Ufa

D. Sakayeva

Republican Clinical Dispensary, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Bashkortostan



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