Neoadjuvant chemotherapy using taxanes in the combination treatment of non-small cell lung cancer




The results of combination treatment with neoadjuvant chemotherapy using paclitaxel/carboplatin and docetaxel/cisplatin regimens, radical surgery, and 15-Gy intraoperative radiotherapy (IORT) were studied in 105 patients with stage III non-small cell lung cancer. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy resulted in a high immediate response rate (40.2 ± 5.7%). Chemotherapy response is directly correlated with tumor tissue involvement confirmed by histological examination. Preoperative systemic anti-tumor therapy showed a statistically significant increase in relapse-free and overall survivals in patients with locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer.


S Miller

НИИ онкологии СО РАМН, Томск

д-р мед. наук, ст. науч. сотр. отд-ния торакоабдоминальной онкологии; НИИ онкологии СО РАМН, Томск

S Tuzikov

НИИ онкологии СО РАМН, Томск

НИИ онкологии СО РАМН, Томск

V Gol'dberg

НИИ онкологии СО РАМН, Томск

НИИ онкологии СО РАМН, Томск

A Zav'yalov

НИИ онкологии СО РАМН, Томск

НИИ онкологии СО РАМН, Томск

T Polishchuk

НИИ онкологии СО РАМН, Томск

НИИ онкологии СО РАМН, Томск

A Dobrodeev

НИИ онкологии СО РАМН, Томск

НИИ онкологии СО РАМН, Томск

E Yumov

НИИ онкологии СО РАМН, Томск

НИИ онкологии СО РАМН, Томск

A Lobykin

НИИ онкологии СО РАМН, Томск

НИИ онкологии СО РАМН, Томск

S Miller

S Tuzikov

V Goldberg

A Zavyalov

T Polishchuk

A Dobrodeyev

E Yumov

A Lobykin


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