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Introduction Planning the medical care management for cancer children is based, inter alia, on epidemiological data: morbidity and mortality rates in children with malignant neoplasms. Material and methods. The data of the public health care executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation have been analyzed. These reports included data on morbidity, mortality, one-year mortality rates, and the period of the medical care delivery for children with oncological diseases in subjects. Results. Over past 6 years, the number of primary patients, identified annually (by 2011 - 3230, 2016 - 3875) increased by 20%; the number of patients under observation was increased by 34.8% (2011 - 17,958, 2016 - 24,207). The incidence increased by 9.8%: from 12.2 per 100,000 (0-17 years) in 2011 to 13.4 in 2016. The standardized mortality rate in 2011-2013 was 4 (per 100 thousand. 0-19 years), in 2014-2016 - 3.6 (per 100 thousand. 0-17 years). The one-year mortality rate decreased by 2%: from 10.8% in 2011 to 8.8% in 2016, the number of actively identified patients increased by 1.4% (in 2007 - 3.8%, in 2016 - 5.2%), the one-year mortality rate decreased by 5.9% (2007 - 14.7%, 2016 - 8.8%). Among causes of death the first place was occupied by leukemia, the second one - by tumors of the brain and spinal cord, the third - sarcomas of soft tissues. Conclusion. The noted dynamics demonstrates an increase in the detectability of oncological diseases in children, therefore, it indicates to the improvement of diagnostic methods. Taking into consideration the average world morbidity rate to account of 15 per 100 thousand children, it is possible to forecast a further increase in the incidence (detectability) of up to 4 500 primary patients by 2022. Thus, at present, an annual underreport is about 700(16%) patients. A low percentage of actively identified children shows the insufficient training of primary care physicians (district pediatricians) in pediatric oncology.

About the authors

Maxim Yu. Rykov

N.N. Blokhin National Medical Research Center of Oncology; I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University

PhD, Scientific Researcher of the Department of Head and Neck Tumors of the Institute of Pediatric Oncology and Hematology1, Аssociate Professor of Department of Oncology of the Medical Faculty2; Moscow, 115478, Russian Federation Moscow, 115478, Russian Federation; Moscow, 119435, Russian Federation


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