Intermittiruyushchaya gormonal'naya terapiya pri rake predstatel'noy zhelezy s posledovatel'nym naznacheniem lyuteiniziruyushchego gormona-rilizing-gormona i antiandrogenov

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The authors analyze the results of palliative treatment in 51 patients with prostate cancer (PC) who received various regimens of hormone therapy. The follow-up time was 15.5 months.
A control group consisted of 25 patients with generalized (n = 14) and locally advanced (n = 11) PC. Of them, 14 patients took luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) agonists in a continuous regimen and 11 patients underwent bilateral orchiectomy after sensitivity evaluation via presumptive therapy with LHRH agonists within 2 months. In a study group, 14 patients received a LHRH agonist (zoladex) as a subcutaneous injection at a 28-day interval for 3 months. Then the therapy was discontinued and the oncomarker was monitored every month. The therapy was individually resumed if there was a considerable rise in prostate-specific antigen (PSA) or there were clinical symptoms.
Twelve patients had monotherapy with bicalutamide (casodex) 150 mg after an initial course of LHRH agonists (3 months). When the minimal PSA level was achieved, the drug was discontinued. When the PSA level was increased by more than 4 ng/ml, bicalutamide was given in a dose of 150 mg.
The study has demonstrated that intermittent hormone therapy considerably and significantly improves the quality of life in patients with PC versus those with continuous androgenic deprivation (a control group).

About the authors

I G Rusakov

ФГУ Московский научно-исследовательский институт им. П. А. Герцена Росмедтехнологий

д-р мед. наук, проф., руководитель отд-ния онкоурологии; ФГУ Московский научно-исследовательский институт им. П. А. Герцена Росмедтехнологий

D G Sokov

Онкологический клинический диспансер № 1, Москва

Онкологический клинический диспансер № 1, Москва


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