Genetic modification of primary human B cells to model the process of B cell development in germinal centers





The main stages of maturation of antigen-specific B cells occur in the germinal centers of the lymph nodes. During the process of differentiation, a decision is made on which path the B cells will take to develop further. They will either turn into short-lived plasmablasts or memory B cells or plasma cells. The relationship between these processes is very important for the development of a productive humoral immune response. The goal of the work was to create a system that is capable of simulating ex vivo processes occurring in germinal centers. We used primary B cells from human peripheral blood as starting material. B lymphocytes were stimulated in vitro using feeder cells carrying CD40L molecules and recombinant IL-21. Upon IL-21/CD40L stimulation, B lymphocytes changed their morphology, surface phenotype, and functional activity. After active expansion for 10 days, further cell growth stopped, and after some time they died. To generate stably proliferating B cells, we used lentiviral transduction of IL-21/CD40L stimulated IgM+ B cells. For this purpose, lentivirus preparations were obtained that carried a cassette consisting of the BCL6 and BCL2L1 genes, separated by a sequence encoding the self-cutting peptide P2A, as well as a GFP reporter gene separated from the target genes by an IRES element. The cassette used ensured the synthesis of the Bcl-6 transcription factor and the Bcl-XL protein in target cells. The Bcl-6 repressor prevented B cells from undergoing terminal differentiation and becoming plasma cells, and the Bcl-XL protein had an anti-apoptotic effect. Transduced B cells proliferated for more than a month and maintained a plasmablast phenotype. Forty-two days after the start of stimulation, transduced B cells remained GFP-positive, coexpressed CD27 and CD38 antigens, carried surface CD20 and IgM, intracellular Bcl-6, Bcl-XL and IgM, retained IgM secretion, but remained negative for surface and intracellular IgG. The proven stimulation system will allow us to simulate key aspects of B cell development in germinal centers to study the formation of B cell memory, which will ultimately facilitate the development of effective vaccines.


M. Byazrova

Institute of Immunology, Federal Medical-Biological Agency; P. Lumumba Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia


Research Associate, Laboratory of Immunochemistry; Assistant, Department of Immunology, Medical Institute

俄罗斯联邦, Moscow; Moscow

M. Sukhova

Institute of Immunology, Federal Medical-Biological Agency; Lomonosov Moscow State University


Junior Research Associate, Laboratory of Immunochemistry; Graduate Student, Department of Immunology, Faculty of Biology

俄罗斯联邦, Moscow; Moscow

A. Mikhailov

Institute of Immunology, Federal Medical-Biological Agency; Lomonosov Moscow State University


Laboratory Assistant, Laboratory of Immunochemistry; Student, Department of Immunology, Faculty of Biology

俄罗斯联邦, Moscow; Moscow

A. Prilipov

Institute of Immunology, Federal Medical-Biological Agency


PhD, MD (Biology), Senior Research Associate, Laboratory of Immunochemistry

俄罗斯联邦, Moscow

A. Filatov

Institute of Immunology, Federal Medical-Biological Agency; Lomonosov Moscow State University


PhD, MD (Biology), Professor, Head of Laboratory of Immunochemistry; Professor, Department of Immunology, Faculty of Biology

俄罗斯联邦, Moscow; Moscow


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2. Figure 1. Dynamics of B cell growth after transduction with the BCL6 and BCL2L1 genes

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3. Figure 2. Phenotyping of transduced B cells on day 42 after the start of stimulation using surface markers

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4. Figure 3. Phenotyping of transduced B cells on day 42 after the start of stimulation using intracellular markers

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版权所有 © Бязрова М., Сухова М., Михайлов А., Прилипов А., Филатов А., 2024

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