Miliacin triterphenoid as a means of improving effective impact on bacterial intestinal infection





Triterpenoid of vegetable origin miliacin has a protective eff ect in experimental salmonella infection, manifested by a decrease in: animal death, organ contamination, bone marrow hypoplasia, thymus, endotoxinemia, nitric oxide production by macrophages, accumulation of oxidative stress products. The immunomodulatory eff ect of miliacin is combined with a modifying effect on the biological properties of salmonella.


B. Frolov

Orenburg State Medical University


A. Smolyagin

Orenburg State Medical University


I. Chainikova

Orenburg State Medical University; Institute of Cellular and Intracellular Symbiosis


Y. Filippova

Orenburg State Medical University


Т. Panfilova

Orenburg State Medical University


A. Zheleznova

Orenburg State Medical University


E. Ermolina

Orenburg State Medical University


Y. Sarychevа

Orenburg State Medical University



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版权所有 © Frolov B..., Smolyagin A..., Chainikova I..., Filippova Y..., Panfilova Т..., Zheleznova A..., Ermolina E..., Sarychevа Y..., 2018

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