Study of migration of nano-dimensional metallic particles in the composition of supernatants on the model of inbreed mobiles BALB-CJ





The purpose of this study was to investigate the ability of migration into the immunocompetent organs of nanoscale metal particles in the composition of supernatants. The goal is to model peritonitis, with intraperitoneal administration of solutions, in particular, with induction and without induction by lipopolysaccharide. Nanoscale metal particles were obtained in the laboratory from the surface of the dental implants “Nobel Biocare” and “Alpha BiO” in the composition of supernatants. In the experiment, 12 inbred mice, divided conditionally into 3 groups were injected with solutions: antibiotic, nanoscale particles obtained from two systems of dental implants in supernatants. On day 10 three organs were examined: the liver, kidney and spleen. A histological study indicated the presence of Al2O3, nanoparticles, found on the boundary between white and red pulp inside macrophages in the group injected with supernatants taken from «Alpha BIO» surface.


V. Labis

Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry named after A.I. Evdokimov


E. Bazikyan

Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry named after A.I. Evdokimov


V. Manskih

The Institute of Mitoengineering of Lomonosov Moscow State University


S. Sizova

Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry named by Academicians M.M. Shemyakin and Y.A. Ovchinnikov


S. Khaidukov

Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry named by Academicians M.M. Shemyakin and Y.A. Ovchinnikov


I. Kozlov

FNKTS children’s hematology, oncology and immunology D. Rogachev



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版权所有 © Labis V..., Bazikyan E..., Manskih V..., Sizova S..., Khaidukov S..., Kozlov I..., 2018

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