Clinical-immunological and microbiological efficiency of integrated therapy at the stages of prevention and treatment of chronic adenoiditis in children with use of the laser of low intensity





The results of the study of the eff ectiveness of the use of lateral education with chronic recurrent adenoiditis are presented. The laser therapy with the «Mustang» apparatus. Red continuous radiation (wavelength 0.63 μm, output power 6–8 mW) acted endonally for 60 s, used a conventional therapeutic radiation dose of 0.5 J / cm2, the duration of the course is 10 sessions. in a group using nasopharyngeal irrigation with a physiological and chemical laser. the normative intervention, the elimination of the receptor landscape of peripheral blood lymphocytes, signifi cantly decreased the degree of contamination with the pathogenic microfl ora of the pharyngeal tonsil, which infl uenced the reduction in the number of exacerbations of chronic adenoiditis and reduced the brevity and frequency of use of systemic antibacterial therapy. planned programs for the annual treatment of children with chronic recurrent adenoiditis.


O. Gizinger

South Ural State Medical University


S. Shetinin

South Ural State Medical University


V. Karandashov

FSBI O.K. Skobelkin of the Federal Medical Biological Agency of Russia


A. Baranov

FSBI O.K. Skobelkin of the Federal Medical Biological Agency of Russia


E. Zavgorodniy

South Ural State Medical University


N. Chernyavskaya

South Ural State Medical University



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版权所有 © Gizinger O..., Shetinin S..., Karandashov V..., Baranov A..., Zavgorodniy E..., Chernyavskaya N..., 2018

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