



Immunological study of peripheral blood cells with subsequent analysis of data obtained during examination of professional skiers and swimmers, that meet presumably aerobic specific physical activity conditions, comparing to data obtained from professional wrestlers and boxers, that meet presumably anaerobic specific physical activity conditions, shows some special features in peripheral blood cell count, namely, higher leucocyte count and eosinophil content in skiers and swimmers, comparing to wrestlers and boxers, and lower content of mature neutrophil, but higher content of early neutrophilic cell forms in wrestlers and boxers, accompanied by evident decrease in mature lymphocyte and monocyte content in skiers and swimmers, comparing to wrestlers and boxers. A significant decrease in absolute and relative content of T-lymphocytes and both T-helper and T-cytotoxic lymphoid subpopulations, as well as CD16 и CD56 -positive cells and CD20 B-lymphocytes in anaerobic sportsmen were observed, comparing to those in aerobic sportsmen, that was due to immunopoiesis decrease in anaerobic specific physical activity conditions. Cell activation markers investigation led us to conclusion of favorable signs of current adaptation processes in cyclic sportsmen, derived from higher absolute B-cell early precursors content and higher CD20 mature B-cell content observed, and was considered to be B-lymphopoiesis augmentation in aerobic sportsmen. The groups mentioned above also reveal a rise in absolute amount of peripheral blood cells, possessing cell-cell and endothelial cell -adhesion receptors, as well as CD95 receptor possessing immune cells, involved in FAS-mediated cell apoptosis, and also a rise in early CD25 and late HLA-DR- activation receptors-possessing cell subpopulations, and rise in CD34 leucocyte precursor cell subpopulations, that demonstrate high capacity of immune cells to cooperate with each other in multisystem cooperation, that leads to greater adaptation potentials of immune system in aerobic sportsmen. In groups of wrestlers and boxers a twofold levels of secreted IgA were observed, and was associated with a decrease in secondary immune response-associated IgG level.


S. Sashenkov

FSBEI HE "South Ural State Medical University" MOH Russia

Email: noemail@neicon.ru

O. Gurilo

FSBEI HE "South Ural State Medical University" MOH Russia

Email: noemail@neicon.ru

I. Melnikov

FSBEI HE "South Ural State Medical University" MOH Russia

Email: noemail@neicon.ru

A. Kolupayev

FSBEI HE "South Ural State Medical University" MOH Russia

Email: noemail@neicon.ru

I. Komarova

FSBEI HE "South Ural State Medical University" MOH Russia

Email: noemail@neicon.ru


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版权所有 © Sashenkov S.L., Gurilo O.V., Melnikov I.Y., Kolupayev A.V., Komarova I.A., 2017

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