



Arginine is an important nutrient involved in the regulation of homeostasis, vascular tone, as well as the development of infl ammation and immune response. Arginine defi ciency caused by bacterial arginine-deiminase can lead to endothelial dysfunction. In the present study, using the Supernatants of Destroyed Streptococcal Cells (SDSCs) of the original strain (S. pyogenes M49-16) and its isogenic mutant with the inactivated gene of arginine-deiminase ArcA (M49-16delArcA), the effect of arginine deiminase on the proliferative activity and expression of adhesion molecules on human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) was evaluated. Cell distribution by cell cycle phases and expression of surface molecules were investigated by fl ow cytometry using monoclonal antibodies. It was shown that the original strain SDSC signifi cantly reduced the proliferative activity of HUVEC and increased the expression of adhesion molecules CD62P, ICAM-1 and tissue factor CD142. The SDSC of the mutant strain did not have any effect. In the presence of supernatants of both strains, the expression of VEGFR-2 receptor did not change. The results showed that streptococcal arginine deiminase promotes development of endothelial dysfunction, infl ammation, and coagulation.


J. Mammedova

FSBSI “Institute of Experimental Medicine”;
St. Petersburg State Technological University (Technical University)


post-graduate student;

Junior scientific researcher, Dept. of immunology,



L. Burova

FSBSI “Institute of Experimental Medicine”


MD, Leading Researcher scientific researcher, Dept. of molecular microbiology,



A. Malashicheva

FSBSI “Almazov National Medical Research Centre”;
St. Petersburg University


PhD, Group Leader, Laboratory of Molecular Cardiology,

Associate Professor, Dept. of Embryology, Biological Faculty, 



D. Semenova

FSBSI “Almazov National Medical Research Centre”;
St. Petersburg University


post-graduate student of St.-Petersburg University, Laboratory Technician Researcher Laboratory of Molecular Cardiology, Federal Almazov Medical Research Centre,

Junior Researcher, Laboratory of Regenerative Biomedicine, Institute of Cytology, RAS,



I. Freidlin

FSBSI “Institute of Experimental Medicine”;
Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University

MD, corresponding member of RAS, Professor, Chief scientifi c researcher, Dept. of immunology, FSBSI “Institute of Experimental Medicine”, professor, Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University, Saint-Petersburg 俄罗斯联邦

E. Starikova

FSBSI “Institute of Experimental Medicine”;
Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University

PhD, Senior scientifi c researcher, Dept. of immunology, FSBSI “Institute of Experimental Medicine”, assistant professor, Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University, Saint-Petersburg 俄罗斯联邦


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版权所有 © Mammedova J.T., Burova L.A., Malashicheva A.B., Semenova D.S., Freidlin I.S., Starikova E.A., 2019

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