



An essential link in the pathogenesis of alcohol dependence is a violation of the mechanisms of neuroimmune interaction, which determines the prospect of finding new effective and safe pharmacological correction tools that act on the molecular targets of the ethanol infl uence in the central nervous system and can correct neuroimmune dysregulation. A positive psychoneuroimmunomodulating effect was demonstrated in the experimental alcohol dependence of the original anticonvulsant, which has a modulating effect on the GABA / benzodiazepine receptor complex. The effect was expressed in the reduction of pathological craving for alcohol, stimulation of parameters of exploratory behavior and immune response, which makes the use of anticonvulsant in the therapy of chronic alcoholism promising and can provide a new pharmacotherapeutic approach to the prevention and treatment of this disease.


E. Markova

Federal State Budgetary Scientific Research Institute of the fundamental and clinical immunology;
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Novosibirsk
State Pedagogical University»


MD, head of the Neuroimmunology laboratory, chief researcher;




I. Savkin

Federal State Budgetary Scientific Research Institute of the fundamental and clinical immunology


researcher of the Neuroimmunology laboratory,



M. Knyazheva

Federal State Budgetary Scientific Research Institute of the fundamental and clinical immunology


postgraduate student of the Neuroimmunology laboratory,



T. Shushpanova

Mental Health Research Institute“Tomsk Scientific Research Medical Center of Russian Academy of Sciences”


PhD, lleading researcher, laboratory of clinical psychoneuroimmunology and neurobiology,



T. Novozheeva

Mental Health Research Institute“Tomsk Scientific Research Medical Center of Russian Academy of Sciences”


BD, senior researcher, Laboratory of clinical psychoneuroimmunology and neurobiology,




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版权所有 © Markova E.V., Savkin I.V., Knyazheva M.A., Shushpanova T.V., Novozheeva T.P., 2019

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