



Food plants bioflavonoids have chemoprotective and immunomodulatory properties, including the ability to affect the earliest stages of immunopoiesis, therefore the development of complex adjuvant therapeutic compositions on their basis is of undoubted relevance. The purpose of this study was to identify the immunopoiesis modulating and chemoprotective properties of the natural food polyphenols original complex “Epigenorm antivir”. As a result of the study, it was found that “Epigenorm antivir” increases the functional activity of bone marrow stem cells – the early common precursors of hematopoiesis, and also it has chemoprotective properties, the ability to increasing of the hematopoietic stem cell functional activity under the immunosuppression conditions.


I. Goldina

Federal state budgetary scientific institution “Scientific research institute of fundamental and clinical immunology”


researcher of the Neuroimmunology laboratory,



E. Markova

Federal state budgetary scientific institution “Scientific research institute of fundamental and clinical immunology”;
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University»


Head of the Neuroimmunology laboratory, chief researcher;




I. Orlovskaya

Federal state budgetary scientific institution “Scientific research institute of fundamental and clinical immunology”


MD, Professor, head of the Stem cell immunobiology laboratory,



L. Toporkova

Federal state budgetary scientific institution “Scientific research institute of fundamental and clinical immunology”


PhD, senior scientifi c researcher of the Stem cell immunobiology laboratory,




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版权所有 © Goldina I.A., Markova E.V., Orlovskaya I.A., Toporkova L.B., 2019

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