


The supposed interrelations of antibodies specific to low-weight xeno- and endobiotics with DNA-repair genes polymorphisms were studied in postmenopausal healthy women (HW) and breast cancer patients (BCP). Enzyme-linked immunoassay was used for IgA and IgG to benzo[a]pyrene, estradiol and progesterone detection in 215 HW and 344 BCP. Gene polymorphisms of XPD/ERCC2 (rs13181), ADPRT/PARP1 (rs1136410), HOGG1 (rs1052133), XRCC1 (rs25489) were analyzed by allele-specific PCR. No associations of studied gene polymorphisms with breast cancer were revealed, as well as interrelations between immunological and genetic parameters in HW. It was detected that levels of IgG specific to benzo[a]pyrene, estradiol and progesterone were associated with the C allele of ADPRT/PARP1 (p=0.02; p=0.003; p=0.006 accordingly). Therefore, it was confirmed that genes of DNA-repair enzymes could determine formation of antibodies specific to the chemical carcinogens and endogenous steroids.


E. Polenok

Federal Research Center of Coal and Coal chemistry SB RAS, Institute of Human Ecology


PhD (Candidate of Pharmacy), Leading Researcher of Immunochemistry Laboratory,



V. Minina

Federal Research Center of Coal and Coal chemistry SB RAS, Institute of Human Ecology


MD, Leading Researcher of Cytogenetics Laboratory, 



L. Gordeeva

Federal Research Center of Coal and Coal chemistry SB RAS, Institute of Human Ecology


PhD (Candidate of Biology), Leading Researcher of Immunogenetics Laboratory,



S. Mun

Federal Research Center of Coal and Coal chemistry SB RAS, Institute of Human Ecology


PhD (Candidate of Medicine), Senior Researcher Fellow of Immunogenetics Laboratory,



A. Ryzhkova

Federal Research Center of Coal and Coal chemistry SB RAS, Institute of Human Ecology


Leading Engineer-technologist of Cytogenetics Laboratory,



A. Glushkov

Novosibirsk State University, Institute of Medicine and Psychology





A. Rogozin

Federal Research Center of Coal and Coal chemistry SB RAS, Institute of Human Ecology





V. Lutsenko

Regional Clinical Oncology Dispensary


Main Physician,



N. Verzhbitskaya

Regional Clinical Oncology Dispensary


PhD (Candidate of Medicine), Chief of Path-anatomy Department,



I. Vafin

Regional Clinical Oncology Dispensary


Main Physician,




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版权所有 © Polenok E.G., Minina V.I., Gordeeva L.A., Mun S.A., Ryzhkova A.V., Glushkov A.A., Rogozin A.I., Lutsenko V.A., Verzhbitskaya N.E., Vafin I.A., 2019

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