



In the present study, an important antiviral cytokine IL-28B was studied at the level of gene expression and molecule production in the mucosa of the nasal cavity in patients with asthma of varying severity. In children with mild asthma, an increase in gene expression was consistent with an increase in IL-28B production. At the same time, patients with severe asthma had a reverse dependence of a significant increase in gene expression led to a decrease in IL-28B synthesis. There was a significant increase in the content of proinflammatory cytokines IL-1β, IL-6 and TNFα in nasal lavage in patients with severe asthma. Imbalance in the local level of cytokines in the nasal mucosa, accompanied by an increase in the production of proinflammatory cytokines and a decrease in the antiviral cytokine IL-28B. It may be important pathogenetic link of both the formation of asthma itself and its virus-induced complications.


L. Gankovskaya

Russian National N. Pirogov Research Medical University


PhD, MD (Medicine), Professor, Head, Department of Immunology, Medicobiologic Faculty

123557 Moscow, Zoological pereulok, 8, 100


L. Namazova‑Baranova

National Scientific and Practical Center of Children’s Health


PhD, MD (Medicine), Professor, Full Member, Russian Academy of Sciences, Head, Department of Pediatrics No. 1, Russian National N. Pirogov Research Medical University; Deputy-director on Science, National Scientific and Practical Center of Children’s Health

Moscow 俄罗斯联邦

O. Svitich

Russian National N. Pirogov Research Medical University


PhD, MD (Medicine), Corresponding Member, Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, Department of Immunology, Medicobiologic Faculty



B. Bragvadze

Russian National N. Pirogov Research Medical University


Postgraduate Student, Department of Immunology, Medicobiologic Faculty



A. Alekseeva

National Scientific and Practical Center of Children’s Health


PhD (Medicine), Department of Pediatrics No. 1, Russian National N. Pirogov Research Medical University; Head of the Department of rehabilitation of children with allergic diseases and respiratory diseases, National Scientific and Practical Center of Children’s Health



V. Gankovskii

National Scientific and Practical Center of Children’s Health


PhD (Medicine), The ENT specialist of the Department of rehabilitation treatment of children with diseases of ENT organs and oral and maxillofacial region




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版权所有 © Gankovskaya L.V., Namazova‑Baranova L.S., Svitich O.A., Bragvadze B.G., Alekseeva A.A., Gankovskii V.A., 2017

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