



Previous studies found some associations between immunoglobulin class A antibodies specific to benzo[a]pyrene (IgA-Bp), estradiol (IgA-Es) and progesterone (IgA-Pg) as well as breast cancer (BC) in females and lung cancer (LC) in males. It was suggested that such antibodies affect serum Es and Pg levels.

Our study was aimed at revealing putative features of mutual effects of IgA-Bp, IgA-Es and IgA-Pg on serum Es and Pg level both in healthy and BC females as well as healthy and LC males.

Serum levels of Es and Pg and IgA-Bp, IgA-Es and IgA-Pg were measured by ELISA in 190 nonsmoking healthy and 518 BC females as well as 312 smoking healthy and 196 LC males.

It was found that healthy subjects vs cancer patients prominently differed by assessing individual Pg/Es ratios: healthy vs BC females had it set at 6.6 vs 2.9 (p < 0.0001), respectively, whereas in healthy vs LC males it was at 5.2 vs 10.1 (p < 0.0001), respectively.

Individual Pg/Es ratio paralleled in healthy females with high vs low IgA-Bp/IgA-Pg > 1.5 and IgA-Es/IgA-Pg > 1.5 ratios (3.5 vs 9.7, p < 0.0001). No T such associations were observed in BC patients. In addition, the lowest individual Pg/Es ratio in healthy males was found together with IgA-Es/ IgA-Pg > 1.5 ratios accompanied with IgA-Bp/IgA-Pg ≤ 1.5 (2.9) and peaked in case of concurrently low IgA-Bp/IgA-Pg ≤ 1.5 and IgA-Es/IgA-Pg ≤ 1.5 (5.2, p = 0.005) or high IgA-Bp/IgA-Pg > 1.5 and IgA-Es/IgA-Pg > 1.5 (6.5, p = 0.002). In contrast, the lowest Pg/Es ratio (7.4) was revealed in LC patients simultaneously bearing high IgA-Bp/IgA-Pg > 1.5 and low IgA-Es/IgA-Pg ≤ 1.5 ratios compared to simultaneously low ratios (11.3, p = 0.002).

In conclusion, individual Pg/Es ratios depended on individual IgA-Bp/IgA-Pg and IgA-Es/IgA-Pg ratios. A cooperative influence of serum antibodies specific to environmental chemical carcinogens and endogenous steroids on hormone balance was featured both in healthy subjects as well as BC females and LC males.

The data obtained may be useful while developing new strategies to cancer prevention: by using selective modulators of estrogen receptors and aromatase inhibitors as well as for development of anticancer vaccines.


A. Glushkov

Institute of Human Ecology, Federal Research Center of Coal and Coal Chemistry, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences

Glushkov A.N., PhD, MD (Medicine), Professor, Chief Research Associate, Immunogenetics Laboratory 俄罗斯联邦

E. Polenok

Institute of Human Ecology, Federal Research Center of Coal and Coal Chemistry, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences

Polenok E.G., PhD (Pharmacy), Leading Research Associate, Immunochemistry Laboratory 俄罗斯联邦

S. Mun

Institute of Human Ecology, Federal Research Center of Coal and Coal Chemistry, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences


Mun Stella A., PhD (Medicine), Senior Research Associate, Immunogenetics Laboratory

650065, Kemerovo, Leningradsky ave., 10. Phone: 7 (3842) 57-50-79


L. Gordeeva

Institute of Human Ecology, Federal Research Center of Coal and Coal Chemistry, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences

Gordeeva L.A., PhD (Biology), Leading Research Associate, Immunogenetics Laboratory 俄罗斯联邦

M. Kostyanko

Institute of Fundamental Sciences, Kemerovo State University

Kostyanko M.V., Leading Engineer, Organic Chemistry Department 俄罗斯联邦

G. Kolpinsky

Kemerovo State Medical University;
Kemerovo Clinical Diagnostic Center

Kolpinsky G.I., PhD, MD (Medicine), Professor, Department of Radiology and Radiotherapy with the Course of Oncology 俄罗斯联邦

V. Lutsenko

Regional Clinical Oncology Dispensary

Lutsenko V.A., PhD (Medicine), Chief Physician 俄罗斯联邦

A Antonov

Regional Clinical Oncology Dispensary

Antonov A.V., Head, Mammology Department 俄罗斯联邦

V. Titov

Regional Clinical Oncology Dispensary

Titov V.A., Oncologist 俄罗斯联邦

I. Vafin

Regional Center of Blood

Vafin I.A., Chief Physician 俄罗斯联邦


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版权所有 © Glushkov A.N., Polenok E.G., Mun S.A., Gordeeva L.A., Kostyanko M.V., Kolpinsky G.I., Lutsenko V.A., Antonov A.V., Titov V.A., Vafin I.A., 2020

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