



To search for statistically signifi cant T-cell populations in the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis (MS). The analysis of the absolute content of various subpopulations of T-lymphocytes (T-helpers (Th) and cytotoxic T-cells (Tcyt)) in the peripheral blood of 61 healthy volunteers and 47 patients with MS was carried out using multi-color fl ow cytometry. Based on the expression of diff erentiation markers (CD45RA, CD62L, CD27 and CD28) and eff ector molecules (CD56 and CD57), Th and Tcyt were divided into main populations at diff erent stages of maturation. The following statistically signifi cant populations of T-cells were identifi ed: CD56CD57+ T-lymphocytes, Em Th, EM3 Tcyt, CD56+CD57 T-lymphocytes, EM2 Tcyt. The signifi cance of these populations was also confi rmed in the calculation of Chi-square statistics. Based on the information received, three groups of T-cell populations were selected. A model for the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis based on the algorithm of K nearest neighbors was built on each group of populations. The accuracy of prediction of the constructed models varies in the range of 0.69–0.90. 


Y. Kozichuk

IFMO University


graduated student, Faculty of Control Systems and Robotics,

St. Petersburg


A. Ilves

N.P. Bechtereva Institute of the Human Brain of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IHB RAS)


senior researcher, laboratory of neuroimmunology,

St. Petersburg


I. Kudryavtsev

Institute of Experimental Medicine (FSBSI “IEM”)


PhD, senior researcher, department of immunology,

197376, St. Petersburg, acad. Pavlov str., 12


D. Moskalenko

IFMO University


graduated student, Faculty of Technological Management and Innovations,

St. Petersburg


O. Novoselova

N.P. Bechtereva Institute of the Human Brain of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IHB RAS)


junior researcher, laboratory of neurorehabilitation,

St. Petersburg


K. Rubanik

N.P. Bechtereva Institute of the Human Brain of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IHB RAS)


junior researcher, laboratory of neurorehabilitation,

St. Petersburg


M. Serebryakova

Institute of Experimental Medicine (FSBSI “IEM”)


Research Associate, department of immunology,

St. Petersburg


D. Starov

IFMO University


graduated student, Faculty of Control Systems and Robotics,

St. Petersburg


B. Timchenko

IFMO University


graduated student, Faculty of Control Systems and Robotics,

St. Petersburg


L. Prakhova

N.P. Bechtereva Institute of the Human Brain of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IHB RAS)


MD, Head of the laboratory of neurorehabilitation,

St. Petersburg


I. Lobanov

IFMO University


PhD (Physics and Mathematics), docent, Department of Control Systems and Robotics,

St. Petersburg



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版权所有 © Kozichuk Y.V., Ilves A.G., Kudryavtsev I.V., Moskalenko D.A., Novoselova O.M., Rubanik K.S., Serebryakova M.K., Starov D.O., Timchenko B.A., Prakhova L.N., Lobanov I.S., 2019

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