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The analysis of the features of immunoregulatory indicators of the child population living in the zone of airborne aluminum pollution was carried out. According to the results of immunological studies of the health of the child population, the presence of pathological changes in the immune system was revealed, which are manifested in a decrease in the phagocytic activity of cells, an increase in the level of the main classes of immunoglobulins, activation of T cell receptors CD127, an increase in the content of cell death receptor CD95+ (р<0,05). The comparative polymorphism of the eNOS gene (rs1799983) was studied. The excessive frequency of the T allele of the eNOS gene (rs1799983) was established, which, under the conditions of the technogenic “aluminum” province, can cause the occurrence of diseases of the cardiovascular system in children. Key words: aluminum, children population, eNOS gene polymorphism, risk, diseases of the cardiovascular system>˂0,05). The comparative polymorphism of the eNOS gene (rs1799983) was studied. The excessive frequency of the T allele of the eNOS gene (rs1799983) was established, which, under the conditions of the technogenic “aluminum” province, can cause the occurrence of diseases of the cardiovascular system in children. 

About the authors

O. V. Dolgikh

FBSI “Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk
Management Technologies”;
Perm State National Research University;
Perm National Research Polytechnic University

Author for correspondence.

MD, Professor, Head of the Department of Immunobiological Methods of Diagnostics,


Russian Federation

A. A. Mazunina

FBSI “Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk
Management Technologies”


Junior Researcher of the Immunogenetics Laboratory of the Department of Immunobiological Methods of Diagnostics,


Russian Federation

A. V. Krivtsov

FBSI “Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk
Management Technologies”


Candidate of Medical Sciences, Head of the Laboratory of Immunogenetics,


Russian Federation

M. A. Guselnikov

FBSI “Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk
Management Technologies”


postgraduate student,


Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2019 Dolgikh O.V., Mazunina A.A., Krivtsov A.V., Guselnikov M.A.

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