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卷 471, 编号 1 (2016)


Fundamental challenges of the location of oil and gas in the South Caspian Basin

Guliev I., Kerimov V., Mustaev R.


Subvertical and subhorizontal bodies were identified in the South Caspian Basin. They are a new class of geological structures with a complicated form, which can serve as migration pathways and hydrocarbon accumulation zones. The basin incorporates a few autonomous sources of oil and gas occurrences with their own distribution areas and spatial–temporal evolution. HC generation sources are displaced relative to each other. The lower boundary of the oil and gas occurrence reaches depths of more than 12–15 km, while the upper boundary of the “oil window” is confined to hypsometric depths of 5–7 km.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;471(1):1109-1112
pages 1109-1112 views

Locations of nonstructural hydrocarbon traps on the shelf of the northern Barents Sea

Kazanin G., Pavlov S., Tarasov G., Schlykova V., Matishov G.


This paper considers the results of summarized integrated geophysical investigations that were carried out from 2006 to 2012. The investigations included common depth point (CDP) seismic reflection survey, over water gravity survey, and differential hydromagnetic exploration with a total work scope of 30 000 linear kilometers. The deep structural tectonic plan, the structural and lithofacies features of the sedimentary cover section on the basic reflecting boundaries, and the features of the seismogeological complexes and seismic sections on a depth scale have been studied, and geological oil-and-gas zoning of the Northern Barents shelf has been made. Seventy-nine local anticlinal highs have been revealed, and the zones with potential nonstructural hydrocarbon traps have been determined. Due to the lack of huge anticlinal highs in the northern Barents Sea region, nonstructural traps are of interest in studying and replacing the mineral raw material base of Russia, as well as for arranging marine exploration.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;471(1):1113-1117
pages 1113-1117 views

In-bearing potential of tin‒sulfide mineralization in ore deposits of the Russian Far East

Pavlova G., Vladimirov A., Gvozdev V., Korostelev P., Semenyak B., Gonevchuk V., Tishin P.


The increased demand for indium has made it necessary to revise prospects of In-bearing tin ore deposits in the Russian Far East on the basis of geological data and results of recent analytical methods (X-ray fluorescence with synchrotron radiation, atomic absorption, and ICP-MS). The average In contents in ores of the Tigrinoe and Pravourmiiskoe deposits vary from 55 to 70 ppm, which allows tin ore deposits with Sn‒sulfide mineralization to be considered as quite promising with respect to In production from ores of Russian deposits. By their estimated In reserves, the Tigrinoe and Pravourmiiskoe deposits may be attributed to large ore objects.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;471(1):1118-1122
pages 1118-1122 views

Geofluid dynamic concept of hydrocarbon accumulation in natural reservoirs

Kerimov V., Rachinsky M.


Most modern theories axiomatically assume that hydrocarbons (HCs), which migrate in different ways from the generation zones and sources with high gradients of reduced pressures, concentrate in autochthonous natural reservoirs possessing smaller levels of reservoir energy. Hydraulic drainage of reservoirs is possible in principle through only three mechanisms: (i) horizontally oriented regional elisional water flow upwards, along the plunge of general folding from central parts of basins towards their peripheral frames; (ii) owing to the effect of lateral pressure of groundwater immediately in traps, with subsequent pushing out by high-pressure fluids supplied to the sunken parts of folds; (iii) vertically directed, from bottom to top, overflow injection mechanism. The study of their possible implementations and relative ratios in the outcome comprise the content of the proposed fluid-dynamic concept of HC accumulation.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;471(1):1123-1125
pages 1123-1125 views

Age of terrigenous deposits of the Khingan Group in the Lesser Khingan terrane in the eastern part of the Central Asian fold belt

Sorokin A., Kotov A., Smirnova Y., Sal’nikova E., Plotkina Y., Yakovleva S.


The results of investigations of gneissose hornblende granitoids, which intrude terrigenous deposits of the Murandav Formation of the Khingan Group and which were deformed together with them due to later structural transformations, are given. It is shown that by their geochemical properties these granitoids are comparable with granitoids of type I and are 535 ± 6 Ma old (U‒Pb method on zircons). The obtained data indicate that dikes of hornblende granites, which intrude terrigenous rocks of the Murandav Formation of the Khingan Group and are deformed together with them, were embedded at the Cambrian and Ediacaran transition. The assumption that terrigenous deposits of the Khingan Group (at least the Murandav and underlying Igincha formations) were accumulated in the Neoproterozoic is supported.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;471(1):1126-1130
pages 1126-1130 views

Biomorphic microstructures of ferromanganese stromatolites

Avdonin V., Yeryomin N., Zhegallo E., Sergeyeva N.


It was found as a result of detailed study of ferromanganese stromatolites that columnar formations, i.e., fossilized stratified bacterial tufts with rhythmically alternating layers of glycocalyx, accumulations of filamentous bacteria, and lens-shaped two-layered (alternation of homogeneous microlayers with porous ones containing filamentous bacteria trichomes) packages, serve as the basis for stromatolite buildup.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;471(1):1131-1133
pages 1131-1133 views

The Durulgui rare-metal granite‒pegmatite system in the eastern Transbaikal region: Petrological and geochronological aspects

Zagorsky V.


The Durulgui granite‒pegmatite system unites the Dedova Gora granite massif and pegmatite field with the Chalotskoe beryl deposit. New geochronological data on micas from porphyric biotite granites, fine-grained biotite granites, two-mica granites, and Be-bearing pegmatites are discussed. The plateau age of 128.5(±1.5)–131.2(±1.5) should be considered as indicating the formation time of the granite‒pegmatite system as a whole. The age of the system implies the possibility of its formation owing to several magmatic pulses. This assumption concerns porphyric and fine-grained biotite granites and two-mica and muscovite granites, the contact between which is locally sharp. At the same time, the succession “two-mica granites → muscovite granites → granite‒pegmatites → microcline pegmatites → microcline‒albite pegmatites → albite pegmatites” demonstrates gradual facies transitions between rocks, which indicates their emplacement during a single magmatic pulse.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;471(1):1134-1139
pages 1134-1139 views

Carbonatite magmatism of the southern Siberian Craton 1 Ga ago: Evidence for the beginning of breakup of Laurasia in the early Neoproterozoic

Savelieva V., Danilova Y., Bazarova E., Ivanov A., Kamenetsky V.


Apatite and biotite from dolomite‒ankerite and calcite‒dolomite carbonatite dikes emplaced into the Paleoproterozoic metamorphic rock complex in the southern part of the Siberian Craton are dated by the U–Pb (LA-ICP-MS) and 40Ar–39Ar methods, respectively. Proceeding from the lower intercept of discordia with concordia, the age of apatite from calcite‒dolomite carbonatite is estimated to be 972 ± 21 Ma and that for apatite from dolomite‒ankerite carbonatite, as 929 ± 37 Ma. Values derived from their upper intercept have no geological sense. The ages obtained for biotite by the 40Ar–39Ar method are 965 ± 9 and 975 ± 14 Ma. It means that the formation of carbonatites reflects the earliest phases of the Neoproterozoic stage in extension of the continental lithosphere.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;471(1):1140-1143
pages 1140-1143 views


Graphite and diamond formation via the interaction of iron carbide and Fe,Ni-sulfide under mantle P–T parameters

Bataleva Y., Palyanov Y., Borzdov Y., Sobolev N.


Experimental research in the Fe3C–(Fe,Ni)S system was carried out. The objective of the investigation was to model the reactions of carbide–sulfide interaction related to graphite (diamond) formation in reduced lithosphere mantle domains. T ≤ 1200°C is the formation temperature of the Ni-cohenite + graphite assemblage coexisting with two immiscible melts such as sulfide (Fe60–Ni3–S37)L and metal–sulfide (Fe71–Ni7–S21–C1)L containing dissolved carbon. Т ≥ 1300°C is the generation temperature of a unified melt such as (Fe80–Ni6–S10–C4)L characterized by graphite crystallization and diamond growth. The extraction of carbide carbon during the interaction with the sulfide melt can be considered as one of the potential mechanisms of graphite and diamond formation in the reduced mantle.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;471(1):1144-1148
pages 1144-1148 views

New data on the material composition of mud volcano products on Kerch Peninsula

Ershov V., Levin B.


The results of recent studies of the isotope and chemical composition of the waters and breccias that erupted from mud volcanoes of Kerch Peninsula are presented. It was found that the waters of the volcanoes considered were characterized by low salinity, a chloride–hydrocarbonate–sodium composition, and an increased 18O content. The breccias were enriched in organic matter and some microelements (Li, Se, Hg, etc.). As for petrogenic elements, depletion of Ca in the breccias is noted.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;471(1):1149-1153
pages 1149-1153 views

Structural state of native molybdenum in the lunar regolith

Mokhov A., Gornostaeva T., Kartashov P., Bogatikov O., Sakharov O., Trubkin N.


The structural state was determined for zero-valence molybdenum in the lunar regolith. The body- and face-centered molybdenum forms (BCC and FCC, respectively) were identified. Disruption of the structure down to complete amorphization was noted. This might be caused by the long-term influence of the solar wind.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;471(1):1154-1157
pages 1154-1157 views

Experimental modeling of the influence of the rise in average summer temperatures on carbon circulation in tundra ecosystems

Barkhatov Y., Tikhomirov A., Ushakova S., Shikhov V., Bartsev S., Degermendzhi A.


A sealed vegetation chamber was designed and constructed for physical simulation of climate conditions in the Subarctic zone during the spring–summer time. The small laboratory tundra-simulating ecosystem (TSE) was created for comparative evaluation of the rates of soil respiration and of the total balance of carbon fluxes in tundra ecosystems. The test experiment was performed to study the TSE response to a temperature rise in air and soil by 2°C in terms of the intensity of the СО2 flux. It was shown that this increase in temperature would cause a pronounced shift in the balance of СО2 production and utilization in the ecosystem from near-zero values to a stable generation of 24 μmol/h of CO2 per 1 kg of dry biomass.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;471(1):1168-1170
pages 1168-1170 views

Luminescent properties of natural barite: Evidence for its genesis

Boroznovskaya N., Zyryanova L., Pekov I.


The study of radiation of intrinsic and impurity excitations in natural barite showed that the patterns of BaSO4 luminescence were mostly controlled by the presence of the [SO4] anion complex. Several types of self-radiation were registered including those at the expense of the presence of O2– ions of the axial and nonaxial configurations of the anionic group (emission bands within the wavelength ranges of 209–213 and 330–350 nm, respectively). Exitons located near the impurity and intrinsic defects largely participate in emission. Impurity defects participating in the luminescent centers of barite from the Ore Altai include Pb2+, Gd3+, Eu2+, Eu3+, Cu+, and Ag+ (under X-ray excitation). Variations in the spectral composition of barite indicate the different conditions of its formation.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;471(1):1171-1173
pages 1171-1173 views

High-gradient metamorphism and anatexis in the Teletsk–Chulyshman metamorphic belt (Gornyi Altai): New data on the age and estimate of P–T parameters

Kargopolov S., Polyansky O., Reverdatto V., Novikov I., Vysotsky E.


Estimates of the PT parameters of metamorphism, the first results of U–Pb dating of zircons from migmatites of the Teletsk–Chulyshman metamorphic belt, are reported. The age of migmatites from the southern block of the Teletsk–Chulyshman belt is 483.9 ± 5.7 Ma. As is evident from the pressure estimate (≤3–4 kbar), the Chulyshman migmatite–gneiss complex could be an apical part of the thermal–dome structure formed during the Early Ordovician thermal impact of a shallow magmatic basic thermal source, later displaced to the appropriate depth along the thrust at the collisional stage.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;471(1):1174-1178
pages 1174-1178 views

The Chara–Sina dyke swarm in the structure of the Middle Paleozoic Vilyui rift system (Siberian Craton)

Kiselev A., Konstantinov K., Yarmolyuk V., Ivanov A.


The formation of the Vilyui rift system in the eastern Siberian Craton was finished with breakdown of the continent and formation of its eastern margin. A characteristic feature of this rift system is the radial distribution of dyke swarms of basic rocks. This peculiarity allows us to relate it to the breaking processes above the mantle plume, the center of which was located in the region overlain in the modern structure by the foreland of the Verkhoyan folded–thrust belt. The Chara–Sina dyke swarm is the southern part of a large area of Middle Paleozoic basaltic magmatism in the eastern Siberian Craton. The OIB-like geochemical characteristics of dolerite allow us to suggest that the melting substrate for Middle Paleozoic basaltic magmatism was represented by a relatively homogeneous, mid-depleted mantle of the plume with geochemical parameters similar to those of OIB.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;471(1):1179-1182
pages 1179-1182 views

Phase distribution of elements in ferromanganese nodules of the Kara Sea

Baturin G., Dubinchuk V., Novigatsky A.


The relation of nonferrous metals and other elements to the main mineral phases in iron–manganese ore is a matter of interest in theoretical and practical terms and has long been discussed by experts. However, opinions on this issue diverge due to the vast variety of conditions of ore formation. This is particularly applicable to ferromanganese nodules of the Kara Sea. The results published here demonstrate that the ferromanganese nodules of the Arctic seas accumulate the same range of elements as pelagic ocean nodules, but in different concentrations and proportions: the contents of most ore elements is decreased by a significant influx of clastic material.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;471(1):1199-1203
pages 1199-1203 views

Sr and Nd isotope composition of deformed peridotite xenoliths from Udachnaya kimberlite pipe

Surgutanova E., Agashev A., Demonterova E., Golovin A., Pokhilenko N.


New results of Rb–Sr and Sm–Nd isotope analyses have been obtained on samples of deformed peridotite xenoliths collected from the Udachnaya kimberlite pipe (Yakutia). The data obtained imply two main stages of metasomatic alteration of the lithospheric mantle base matter in the central part of the Siberian Craton. Elevated ratios of Sr isotopes may be considered as evidence of an ancient stage of metasomatic enrichment by a carbonatite melt. The acquired Nd isotope composition together with the geochemistry of the deformed peridotite xenoliths suggests that the second stage of metasomatic alteration took place shortly before formation of the kimberlite melt. The metasomatic agent of this stage had a silicate character and arrived from an asthenosphere source, common for the normal OIB type (PREMA) and the Group-I kimberlite.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;471(1):1204-1207
pages 1204-1207 views

Contribution of biogenic and volcanogenic factors to formation of ferromanganese nodules of Olkhon Island (Lake Baikal)

Shkolnik S., Letnikov F., Strakhovenko V., Letnikova A.


The first data on the structure, textural features, and geochemical and mineral composition of Fe–Mn nodules of the Sasin Formation, Olkhon Island (Baikal), have been determined. A significant role in the formation of the nodules was played by hydrothermal processes with varying contributions of hydrogenic factors. The presence of reduced inclusions in the nodules and their textural features indicate the presence of various components of organic matter in the nodules, creating the conditions for local concentration of ore components. Activation of hydrothermal processes is typical for the Baikal Rift Zone in the Late Miocene–Early Pliocene, which is reflected in the composition of Fe–Mn nodules from the Sasin Formation.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;471(1):1208-1212
pages 1208-1212 views


Finely dispersed brown carbon in a smoggy atmosphere

Gorchakov G., Vasiliev A., Verichev K., Semoutnikova E., Karpov A.


It is shown that the absorption capacity of smoke aerosol during mass forest and forest–peat fires is determined to a considerable degree by light absorbing organic compounds or brown carbon. According to the data from the AERONET global network of stations [1], the absorption spectra of smoke aerosol vary significantly if airborne particulate matter is contained in brown carbon. It is established that in several cases, the absorption spectra of smoke aerosol are approximated with satisfactory accuracy by exponents. It is shown that the finely dispersed (submicron) fraction of the smoke aerosol makes a major contribution to its optical characteristics in the 0.44–1.02 μm spectral region. Strong variation in the single scattering albedo is discovered in the presence of brown carbon in the smoke aerosol. It is shown that the optical characteristics of coarsely dispersed and finely dispersed fractions of smoke aerosol differ considerably.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;471(1):1158-1163
pages 1158-1163 views

Arctic climate changes in the 21st century: Ensemble model estimates accounting for realism in present-day climate simulation

Eliseev A., Semenov V.


In the course of forecasting future climate changes in the Arctic Region based on calculations and an ensemble of the state-of-the-art global climate models, the results depend on the method of construction the statistics from the models.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;471(1):1183-1187
pages 1183-1187 views

A postseismic process in the area of the Simushir 11/2006 Earthquake recovered by the GRACE data

Mikhailov V., Timoshkina E., Diament M.


The GRACE data make it possible to detect the areas where the earthquakes initiate postseismic creep in regions much larger than the focal area. This information is important for estimation of the seismic potential and position of the locked segments in the subduction zones.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;471(1):1188-1192
pages 1188-1192 views

Deep structure and volcanic activity of Mount Elbrus and a portion of the Elbrus–Tyrnyauz valley: Geological and geophysical data

Rogozhin E., Gorbatikov A., Kharazova Y., Stepanova M., Nikolaev A.


A microseismic sounding profile was made along the Baksan River valley from the eastern summit of Elbrus volcano to the southern edge of town Tyrnyauz. The geological section along the profile presents the structural features of the subaerial structure of Mount Elbrus and magmatic chambers, which are traced to a depth of 40 km or more as a subvertical chain. Along the profile, deep-seated faults, well correlated with their morphological manifestations on the surface, were identified. Under the southern edge of town Tyrnyauz, a low-velocity region, comparable in size to Elbrus volcano, was interpreted as the cooling volcanic structure. The results obtained were correlated with the data available on the geology and geomorphology of the area of study, as well as data obtained earlier during independent studies of Elbrus volcano.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;471(1):1213-1216
pages 1213-1216 views

Influence of long-period oscillations on the development of droughts in Northern Eurasia

Semenov V., Chernokulskii A., Solomina O.


Estimates of the influence of the Atlantic long-period oscillation (ALO) on the formation of droughts in Northern Eurasia were obtained using the results of numerical experiments with the ECHAM5 atmospheric chemistry general circulation model and the mixed layer ocean model. In general, the model results are consistent with the empirical estimates.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;471(1):1217-1220
pages 1217-1220 views


Spectral characteristics of mesoscale variability of the bottom currents in the Ocean

Morozov E., Neiman V.


We performed spectral analysis of variations in the bottom currents on the basis of direct measurements in a number of regions of the entire Atlantic Ocean. We compared the spectra of the atmospheric pressure fluctuations at sea level and fluctuations of current velocities in the bottom layer. A significant energy of current fluctuations near the bottom with a synoptic period in the range 10–15 days that exceeds similar energies in the other regions of the ocean was found in the region of the Newfoundland energetically active zone, where increased cyclonic activity in the atmosphere is observed.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;471(1):1164-1167
pages 1164-1167 views

New data on the trace metal composition of the planktonic foraminifera microfossils of the Atlantic Ocean

Demina L., Oskina N.


This paper reports new data on the trace metal composition of planktonic foraminifer shells from surface sediments and cores (fraction >0.1 mm) in the central part of the Atlantic Ocean. This investigation has made it possible to identify a considerable accumulation of trace elements from water due to calcite entering into the crystal lattice under biomineralization and adsorption on the shell surface and pores, despite the fact that the shells are depleted in trace elements relative to pelagic clays. The trace element content in planktonic foraminifer microfossils is characterized by temporal variability, which is the most pronounced in long cores (Holocene–Upper Pleistocene) and reflects the sedimentation paleoenvironment in the ocean.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;471(1):1193-1198
pages 1193-1198 views