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Volume 466, Nº 2 (2016)


Geological structure and genesis of quartz veins in the Ufalei complex exemplified by the Vein 2136

Anfilogov V., Kabanova L., Igumentceva M., Nikandrova N.


The data on the geological structure and petrography of host rocks of the Vein 2136 quartz deposit located in the eastern part of the Ufalei gneiss–amphibolite complex (the Southern Urals) are discussed. It is established that the deposit resulted from the metasomatic replacement of amphibolite by quartz. The following metasomatic succession was formed during metasomatosis: quartz → quartz–feldspar pegmatoid → biotite schist → amphibolite. The investigation of homogenized vapor–liquid inclusions in quartz and feldspars revealed that the deposit was formed at temperatures of 350–400°C.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;466(2):109-112
pages 109-112 views

Platinum potential of mafic–ultramafic massifs in the western part of the Dambuka ore district (Upper Amur Region, Russia)

Melnikov A., Stepanov V., Moiseenko V.


New data on the Pt potential of mafic–ultramafic massifs of the Khani–Maya, Uldegit, and Dzhalta complexes in the western part of the Dambuka ore district are discussed. The Khani–Maya Complex is represented by metamorphosed gabbro, gabbronorites, gabbro anorthosites, subordinate pyroxenites, hornblendites, and peridotites. The Uldegit Complex is composed of pyroxenites, hornblendites, gabbro, gabbronorites, norites, troctolites, peridotites, dunites, actinolite–tremolites, serpentinites, anthophyllites, and tremolite–plagioclase rocks. The Dzhalta Complex is formed of peridotites, gabbro, eclogitized gabbro, hornblendites, cortlandites, and pyroxenites. All these complexes differ from each other by the concentrations of Ni, Cu, Co, Au, and platinoids depending on the composition of the constituting rocks and the presence of sulfide minerals.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;466(2):113-118
pages 113-118 views

Changes in environmental conditions as the cause of the marine biota Great Mass Extinction at the Triassic–Jurassic boundary

Barash M.


In the interval of the Triassic–Jurassic boundary, 80% of the marine species became extinct. Four main hypotheses about the causes of this mass extinction are considered: volcanism, climatic oscillations, sea level variations accompanied by anoxia, and asteroid impact events. The extinction was triggered by an extensive flooding of basalts in the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province. Furthermore, a number of meteoritic craters have been found. Under the effect of cosmic causes, two main sequences of events developed on the Earth: terrestrial ones, leading to intensive volcanism, and cosmic ones (asteroid impacts). Their aftermaths, however, were similar in terms of the chemical compounds and aerosols released. As a consequence, the greenhouse effect, dimming of the atmosphere (impeding photosynthesis), ocean stagnation, and anoxia emerged. Then, biological productivity decreased and food chains were destroyed. Thus, the entire ecosystem was disturbed and a considerable part of the biota became extinct.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;466(2):119-122
pages 119-122 views

Granitoid magmatism in the Arminskii block of Central Sikhote Alin (Primorye, Far Eastern Russia): U–Pb geochronology, 3He/4He isotopy, petrochemistry, and ore mineralization

Sakhno V., Kovalenko S., Lyzganov A.


This work presents the first isotope-geochronological data obtained for granitoid series of the Arminskii block of Central Sikhote Alin: Tatibi gabbromonzodiorite and Olgino leucocratic granite. Every series is characterized by a certain structural position and timing of the formation of ore mineralization. The Tatibi series is characterized by the presence of gold-ore occurrences including the potential Glukhoe goldore occurrence. Granitoids of the Olgino series comprise known tin–sulfide ore occurrences. The conditions for the generation of each series of rocks were revealed on the basis of geochronological-isotope data.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;466(2):123-129
pages 123-129 views


Phase states of hydrous–hydrocarbon fluids at elevated and high temperatures and pressures: Study of the forms and maximal depths of oil occurrence in the Earth’s interior

Balitsky V., Penteley S., Pironon J., Barres O., Balitskaya L., Setkova T.


Based on synthetic fluid inclusions in quartz grown at 240–490°C and 7–150 MPa in aqueous–oil solutions, the behavior, composition, and phase states of liquid, gaseous, and solid hydrocarbons (HC) were studied. Investigations were performed using common and fluorescent microscopy, microthermometry, local common and high-temperature IR Fourier spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, chromatography, and X-ray and microprobe analysis. The data obtained allowed us to understand the influence of thermobaric conditions and volume proportions of the oil, aqueous, and gaseous phases on the composition, phase state, and behavior of hydrous–hydrocarbon fluids and estimate the forms and probable maximal depths of the origin of oil in the Earth’s interior.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;466(2):130-134
pages 130-134 views

The fluid phase evolution during the formation of carbonatite of the Guli massif: Evidence from the isotope (C, N, Ar) data

Buikin A., Verchovsky A., Kogarko L., Grinenko V., Kuznetsova O.


The first data on variations of the isotope composition and element ratios of carbon, nitrogen, and argon in carbonatites of different generations and ultrabasic rocks of the Guli massif obtained by the method of step crushing are reported. It is shown that early carbonatite differs significantly from the later ones by the concentration of highly volatile components, as well as by the isotope compositions of carbon (CO2), argon, and hydrogen (H2O). The data obtained allow us to conclude that the mantle component predominated in the fluid at the early stages of formation of rocks of the Guli massif, whereas the late stages of carbonatite formation were characterized by an additional fluid source, which introduced atmospheric argon, and most likely a high portion of carbon dioxide with isotopically heavy carbon.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;466(2):135-137
pages 135-137 views

Geochemical and Sr–Nd isotope evidences of the suprasubduction nature of mesozoic magmatism in the Mongol–Okhotsk Sector of the Pacific Fold Belt

Derbeko I., Chugaev A., Oleinikova T., Bortnikov N.


In this article we present geochemical and isotope characteristics of rocks of the Unerikan, Selitkan and Aezop–Yamalin volcano–plutonic zones of the eastern termination of the Mongol–Okhotsk Orogenic Belt. The obtained data demonstrate that the Mesozoic igneous rocks of the Mongol–Okhotsk sector of the Pacific Folded Belt were formed due to the melting of the continental crust in a tectonic setting corresponding to a suprasubduction one.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;466(2):138-141
pages 138-141 views

The formation of cobalt-bearing ferromanganese crusts under fluid destruction of silicate matter

Maksimov S., Safronov P.


The processes of fluid destruction of various silicate rocks under diffusion of flows of compressed gases (mainly carbonaceous) were studied. The gas condensate nature was ascertained for the forming alumoslilicate and ore (cobalt–iron–manganese hydroxide) substances produced under this fluid destruction in the forms of microcrusts and microconcretions. The ore condensates contained in high concentrations the typomorphic elements of oceanic ferromanganese formations (Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Pb, Ce, and Pt). The elemental composition of the ore oxide substance formed under the destruction of various silicate matrices exhibits a definite degree of endemism with prevalence of the Co–Mn association. The pronounced concentration of barium is related to the substantially carbonaceous composition of the fluid systems. A cerium paradox is revealed: Ce3+ is oxidized into Ce4+ and absorbed by ferromanganese hydrogel and the minimum of cerium appears in rare-earth phosphates.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;466(2):142-147
pages 142-147 views

The first find of biogenic nanosiderite in oxidized ferrous quartzite of the Lebedinsk deposit, Kursk Magnetic Anomaly

Bortnikov N., Novikov V., Boeva N., Zhukhlistov A., Gendler T., Zhegallo E., Soboleva S.


The first data on biogenic nanosiderite originally discovered in oxidized Fe-quartzites from the Lebedinsk deposit of the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly (KMA) are reported. Two generations of siderite with radically different morphology and crystal-chemical and physical properties were identified. The biogenic origin is substantiated for the late generation (nanosized siderite particles). We suggest that the early ores were transformed as a result of the evolution of the atmosphere and biosphere in the area of the KMA in the Phanerozoic. Such significant differences in the properties of biogenic nanosiderite and early rhombohedral siderite may provide evidence for their different origins. The early generation of siderite was most likely formed during an abiogenic process.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;466(2):157-160
pages 157-160 views

Geochemical peculiarities of ores from the largest Natalka gold deposit in Northeastern Russia

Volkov A., Murashov K., Sidorov A.


This study of the behavior of trace and rare earth elements in ores from the Natalka gold deposit allows us to draw several conclusions. It is suggested that ore formation is related to the regional metamorphism of the host terrigenous carbonaceous rocks, which could be the major source for trace and rare earth elements. Minor enrichment of the Natalka ores in W is evidence of the contribution of magmatic fluid, which could be superimposed on early quartz veins, in ore formation. Our results support the metamorphic–magmatic model of formation of economic gold–quartz deposits of the Yana–Kolyma Belt. The similarity of metasomatites of the Natalka deposit with disseminated gold–sulfide refractory ores from the Nezhdaninskoe and Bakyrchik deposits points to the possible presence of such ores in the Natalka deposit. Our data are important for forecasting regional metallogenic reconstructions, search, and evaluation of gold deposits.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;466(2):161-164
pages 161-164 views

Distribution of REE, LILE, and HFSE between biotite, feldspar, and the melt in the granulite facies migmatite, nimnyr block, Aldan shield

Glebovitskii V., Sedova I.


The behavior of trace elements under conditions of partial melting of granitoid rocks has been studied. The element’s partition coefficients between minerals and the melt Dimin/melt depends, in the first place, on the composition of the primary melt. In biotite the HREE Di are a little below 1, while those of LREE, especially Di for Ce, are 1–3 orders of magnitude less. This leads to an efficient differentiation of REEs in anatexic melts especially when biotite is the main mineral phase of restite. On the contrary, there are feldspars, the Di of which cannot provide such a magnitude of differentiation. Unlike garnets and pyroxenes, whose stability in restite permits enrichment of anatexic melts produced in migmatization zones with Nb, Ti, and Cr, the presence of biotite in restite causes depletion of melts with those elements as well as with Rb. Feldspars, under conditions of their fractional crystallization or during differentiation of an anatexic melt, deplete the latter with Sr, Ba, and Rb, but enrich it with Nb, Ti, Cr, Y, Zr, and V.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;466(2):165-168
pages 165-168 views

The effect of long-range atmospheric transport of organochlorine compounds by soil studies from Mongolia to the Arctic

Mamontova E., Tarasova E., Mamontov A., Kuzmin M.


The results of studies on the distribution regularities are presented for polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) of different degrees of chlorination and for organochlorine pesticides (OCPs): hexachlorobenzene (HCB), hexachlorocyclohexane (HCCH), and DDT with its metabolites in the soils along the Lena River valley and in background areas of Eastern Siberia and Mongolia. A statistically reliable correlation is found between the PCB–OCP and Corg concentrations. The highest levels of HCB are registered in the soils between 50 and 60° N. The concentrations of αand γ-HCCH increase reliably, while those of pp′-DDT and pp′-DDE decrease from south to north. A trend of the decrease in concentrations from Mongolia to the Laptev Sea is revealed for tri-, tetra-, and penta-chlorine-substituted PCB congeners. However, the soils sampled northwards from 60° N show a reliable increase in the concentrations of tetra-, penta-, and hexachlorine-substituted congeners.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;466(2):169-172
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Inclusions of Cr- and Cr–Nb-Rutile in pyropes from the Internatsionalnaya kimberlite pipe, Yakutia

Rezvukhin D., Malkovets V., Sharygin I., Kuzmin D., Litasov K., Gibsher A., Pokhilenko N., Sobolev N.


The results of study of rutile inclusions in pyrope from the Internatsionalnaya kimberlite pipe are presented. Rutile is characterized by unusually high contents of impurities (up to 25 wt %). The presence of Cr2O3 (up to 9.75 wt %) and Nb2O5 (up to 15.57 wt %) are most typical. Rutile inclusions often occur in assemblage with Ti-rich oxides: picroilmenite and crichtonite group minerals. The Cr-pyropes with inclusions of rutile, picroilmenite, and crichtonite group minerals were formed in the lithospheric mantle beneath the Mirnyi field during their joint crystallization from melts enriched in Fe, Ti, and other incompatible elements as a result of metasomatic enrichment of the depleted lithospheric mantle.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;466(2):173-176
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Age of zircons from the xenolith of metapelite in granitoids of the Verkhisetsk massif (Middle Urals): Evidence for granite-related stages of metamorphism

Zinkova E., Pribavkin S.


Two age stages in the formation of high-aluminous gneisses related to the major stages of granite formation of the Uralian mobile belt were revealed in this study. The first stage (372 ± 2 Ma) corresponds to the age of metamorphism of the amphibolite facies and is controlled by intrusion of the tonalite–trondhjemite series under the environment of the continental margin. At the second stage (307 ± 3 Ma), gneiss underwent contact metamorphism under the influence of plutons of the adamellite–granite composition formed during the early episodes of collisional metamorphism.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;466(2):191-195
pages 191-195 views

Experimental modeling of native carbon formation in a C–O–H fluid system

Ivanova L., Shumilova T., Medvedev V., Marchuk M., Isaenko S., Shevchuk S.


Integrated data are presented on structure–morphology features, as well as on the material and phase composition, of a fluid-produced carbonaceous substance (CS) formed under known thermodynamic conditions of the experiment (C–O–H system, 500–800°C, and 500–1000 atm). Solid products of the synthesis were examined by means of X-ray phase and thermal analyses, scanning electron microscopy combined with microprobe analysis, transmission electron microscopy, high-resolution Raman spectroscopy, IR spectroscopy, and CHN-analysis. The characteristics of the experimental CS may be applicable in genetic modeling of natural ore-bearing fluidal carbonaceous systems.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;466(2):196-198
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Paleoproterozoic gabbro–diorite–granite magmatism of the Batomga Rise (NE Aldan Shield): Sm–Nd isotope geochemical evidence

Kuzmin V., Bogomolov E., Glebovitskii V.


The geochemical similarity and almost simultaneous (2055–2060 Ma) formation of Utakachan gabbro-amphibolite, Jagdakin granodiorite-diorite, Khoyunda granitoid, and Tygymyt leucogranite complexes, which inruded metamorphic formations of the Batomga Group are evidence of their formaton from unified magmatic source. All this makes it possibble to combine aforementioned complexes into the unified Early Proterozoic diferentiated gabbro-diorite-granite complex.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;466(2):199-205
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Inclusions of crichtonite group minerals in pyropes from the Internatsionalnaya kimberlite pipe, Yakutia

Rezvukhin D., Malkovets V., Sharygin I., Kuzmin D., Gibsher A., Litasov K., Pokhilenko N., Sobolev N.


The results of study of crichtonite group minerals in pyropes from the Internatsionalnaya kimberlite pipe are reported. Most of the studied samples are characterized by high concentrations of Sr, Ca, Na, and LREEs in comparison with minerals of the LIMA series from kimberlites of South Africa, whereas the average concentrations of Ba and K are significantly lower. Crichtonite group minerals in pyropes are characterized by predomination of Na over K in most samples and by a high concentration of Al2O3 (up to 4.5 wt %). Findings of inclusions of crichtonite group minerals with high concentrations of incompatible elements provide evidence for the metasomatic origin of host chromium-rich pyropes.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;466(2):206-209
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Emission of carbon-bearing gases and aerosols from natural fires on the territory of Russia based on space monitoring

Bondur V., Ginzburg A.


The results of the space monitoring of natural fires during the period 2010–2014 to estimate the areas destroyed by fire, volumes of the emissions of greenhouse gases, and fine particulate aerosols over the entire territory of Russia and its individual regions are presented. The methods of research, the regularities of the seasonal recurrence of fires distinguished in different regions, as well as the peculiarities of emissions of small gas components and aerosols in different months are described.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;466(2):148-152
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Properties and origin of small particles in the atmosphere of Central Asia

Adushkin V., Chen B., Popel S., Weidler P., Friedrich F., Izvekova Y.


The properties and originof small C-bearing and mineral particles are thoroughly studied above the Central Asian Region. It is shown that the Aral Sea soils play a significant role in accumulation of the higher concentrations of the metals of the crustal origin and rare-earth elements in small mineral particles of samples

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;466(2):177-182
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Large scale interaction of seismically active tectonic provinces: The example of Southern California

Bondur V., Garagash I., Gokhberg M.


A typical feature of the large scale interaction of seismic active tectonic provinces of Southern California, which is expressed in a relatively fast jump change in the stress state of the crust over 0.5 month, is revealed on the basis of a geomechanical model and the results of instrumental observations for displacements of the crust. This provides us with new possibilities for the short-term prediction of significant seismic events for a period of a week to a month.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;466(2):183-186
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Acoustic method for defining the stress state of a rock massif based on solution of the seismic inverse problem

Nazarov L., Nazarova L., Romenskii E., Tcheverda V., Epov M.


A method for estimating the stress–strain state of a rock massif in the vicinity of underground facilities is substantiated. This method is based on solution of the boundary inverse problem of defining the components of an external stress field from the acoustic sounding data. The acoustic sounding data used are the arrival times of diving head longitudinal waves, recorded in a long mine shaft. Numerical experiments have revealed the optimal arrangement of the recording network and the limited relative error in the input data, which, taken together, provide for solvability of the inverse problem.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;466(2):210-213
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Wave responses from oil reservoirs in the Arctic shelf zone

Favorskaya A., Petrov I.


We consider the appearance of scattered PP-waves, SS-waves, scattered converted PS-waves, and SP-waves reflected from the reservoirs in the Arctic shelf zone and wave responses from them in the water column when the source and receiver are located near the water surface. We obtained a numerical solution of the direct problems of seismic prospecting in the shelf zone with a reservoir and without it. The solution was obtained using the grid-characteristic method, which makes possible to model the wave processes in detail.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;466(2):214-217
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A mathematical model of the global processes of plastic degradation in the World Ocean with account for the surface temperature distribution

Bartsev S., Gitelson J.


The suggested model of plastic garbage degradation allows us to obtain an estimate of the stationary density of their distribution over the surface of the World Ocean with account for the temperature dependence on the degradation rate. The model also allows us to estimate the characteristic time periods of degradation of plastic garbage and the dynamics of the mean density variation as the mean rate of plastic garbage entry into the ocean varies

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;466(2):153-156
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The possibility of passive acoustic monitoring of a Scuba Diver

Korenbaum V., Gorovoy S., Tagiltsev A., Kostiv A., Borodin A., Pochekutova I., Vasilistov A., Krupenkov A., Shiryaev A., Vlasov D.


The problem of controlling the state and location of scuba divers is of importance. This work consider the possibility to use for this purpose a low-frequency noise of a scuba diver. The noise of a scuba diver under a dry swimming suite near the trachea and in the water at a distance of 50 m was recorded.It wa shown that both sygnals are characterized by the presence of quasi-periodic components induced by the amplitude modulation of wide-band breathing noises by the brething rhythms of a scuba diver. The quasi-periodic componentss distinguished can be used to evaluate the physiological parameters of the state of a scuba diver and to establish his location.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;466(2):187-190
pages 187-190 views

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