Justice as an attributive and functional characteristic of the modern state



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The article analyzes the phenomenon of justice in the context of the functioning of the modern state. An attempt is made to substantiate the possibility of attributing the moral and legal category “justice” to the attributive and functional characteristics of the modern state. It is concluded that there is a state function of “justice”. Based on the analysis of this function, through the prism of determining the sphere of justice (justice), on the example of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, approaches to the formation of the structure of the implementation of the principle of justice by the state are proposed. The issues that require a more in-depth study and the direction of further research of the state function of justice are formulated.




Larisa Cherkesova

Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: L5060412@mail.ru

PhD in Law, Leading Researcher, Sector of Civic and Entrepreneurial Law, Head of the Department of Postgraduate Studies and Attachments for Dissertation Preparation

俄罗斯联邦, Moscow


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