On the way to a sovereign philosophy of Russian law A. I. Bastrykin, К. F. Ismagilov, М. P. Salnikov. The idea of goodness шn the works of А.M. Dostoevsky and its influence on the development of the philosophy of law (to the 200th anniversary of F. M. Dostoevsky) / intro. by A. I. Aleksandrov. St. Petersburg: university foundation, 2021. – 380 pp. (series “Science and society”); S. I. Zakhartsev, D. V. Maslennikov, V. P. Salnikov. The logos of law: Parmenides – Hegel – Dostoevsky. To the question of the speculative-logical foundations of the metaphysics of law. Moscow: Yurlitinform, 2019. – 376 pp.



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The article is a review of the monographs by A. I. Bastrykin, R. F. Ismagilov, V. P. Salnikov “The idea of Goodness in the works of F. M. Dostoevsky and its influence on the development of the Philosophy of Law (to the 200th anniversary of F. M. Dostoevsky)” (2021) and by S. I. Zakhartsev, D. V. Maslennikov, V. P. Salnikov “The logos of law: Parmenides – Hegel – Dostoevsky. On the question of the speculative-logical foundations of the metaphysics of law” (2019) and is devoted to the formation of the philosophical foundations of the theory of law, which are considered in the general context of the collective work of St. Petersburg philosophers and lawyers to develop a sovereign Philosophy of Law under the leadership of Professor V. P. Salnikov.




Sergey Stepashin

Association of Lawyers of Russia

Email: pravo@alrf.ru

Doctor of Law; Professor, Chairman of the Imperial Orthodox the Palestinian Society, Chairman of the Association of Lawyers of Russia

俄罗斯联邦, 24/7, bld. 1, entrance 8, Myasnitskaya str., 101000 Moscow


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  5. Bastrykin A. I., Ismagilov R. F., Salnikov V. P. Interrelation of the idea of absolute Goodness and human freedom in the Philosophy of Law by F. M. Dostoevsky // Legal Science: history and modernity. 2021. No. 6. Pp. 176–181 (in Russ.).
  6. Bastrykin A. I., Ismagilov R. F., Salnikov V. P. The idea of absolute Goodness in Dostoevsky’s Philosophy of Law: its relevance in the context of constitutional reforms // Amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation and prospects for the development of regional legislation: collection of materials of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference (Ufa, March 24, 2021) / ed. by N. V. Yamaletdinova. Ufa, 2021. Pp. 67–76 (in Russ.).
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  9. Bastrykin A. I., Ismagilov R. F., Salnikov V. P. The idea of modern law and the philosophical legacy of F. M. Dostoevsky: the ideological opposition of two models // The Rule of Law in the modern world: collection of materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference (Ufa, May 18, 2021) / ed. by N. V. Yamaletdinova. Ufa, 2021. Pp. 74–85 (in Russ.).
  10. Bastrykin A. I., Ismagilov R. F., Salnikov V. P. The creative legacy of F. M. Dostoevsky in modern European philosophy: the search for ways to overcome spiritual alienation of man // Legal science: history and modernity. 2020. No. 6. Pp. 170–177 (in Russ.).
  11. Bastrykin A. I., Ismagilov R. F., Salnikov V. P. F. M. Dostoevsky’s Philosophy of law and the system of moral and legal values of the peoples of Russia in the XXI century // Legal science: history and modernity. 2020. No. 9. Pp. 168–181 (in Russ.).
  12. Bastrykin A. I., Ismagilov R. F., Salnikov V. P. Man and the people as the highest values in the Philosophy of Law by F. M. Dostoevsky // Legal science: history and modernity. 2021. No. 3. Pp. 165–172 (in Russ.).
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