Legal consequences of the discovery of a treasure containing archaeological objects: problems of legal regulation



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The article reveals the legal problems associated with finding a treasure containing cultural values. According to the author, the person who found the treasure, without special knowledge, cannot independently determine its cultural significance. The paper also examines the legal consequences of the discovery of a treasure, which includes archaeological items. The normative legal regulation of these public relations has its own peculiarities. Based on the analysis of the norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of protection of cultural heritage objects and law enforcement practice related to the finding of archaeological treasures, determining their fate, the author formulates a number of conclusions and proposals for improving legislation.




Anatoly Panfilov

Public Council under the Committee for the Protection and Use of Objects of Historical and Cultural Heritage of the Tyumen Region


PhD in Law, Deputy Chairman of the Public Council

俄罗斯联邦, Tyumen


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