Regulatory and legal regulation of financing the activities of forensic institutions in the Russian Federation



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The authors of the article, based on a comparative legal analysis of the system of sources of legal regulation of financing of forensic institutions, as well as domestic scientific literature, propose to “transfer: the signs of the system to the concept of a mechanism. Within the framework of the system analysis carried out, the authors of the article proceed from the definition of the system of financial and legal mechanisms for ensuring forensic expert activity as an object of public administration, which is a legal relationship regulated by the norms of law to achieve the set goals and objectives, the use of methods, tools and rules having monetary, organizational, accounting and control content. The article substantiates the need for an integrative approach to the definition of a system of financial and legal mechanisms for ensuring judicial expert activity as a single system subject to legal regulation. The authors propose to define the mechanism of financial support for the activities of a forensic expert institution/organization as a system of education from the norms and institutions of national law contained not only in regulatory legal acts relating to various branches of legislation, but also local acts of state and non-state institutions and organizations; legal and technical documents, among which should be mentioned instructional letters, regulations, methodological recommendations, technical standards, GOST standards, etc., as well as contracts of normative content that ensure international cooperation on forensic activities.




Gulnara Ruchkina

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation


Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Dean of the Faculty of Law

俄罗斯联邦, Moscow

Annа Popova

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation


Doctor of Law, PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor, Chief Researcher of the Department of International and Public Law, Faculty of Law

俄罗斯联邦, Moscow


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