Institutions of public authority: adaptation to changing conditions of functioning (all-russian scientific conference with international participation)



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On June 14, 2023 at the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Science the All-Russian Scientific Conference with international participation “Institutes of public authority: adaptation to changing conditions of functioning” was held. Representatives of the leading Russian scientific and educational institutions, as well as researchers from Belarus and Uzbekistan discussed a wide range of problems related to the understanding of public authority and justification of its types, the specifics of implementation of the principle of separation of powers and interaction of various branches and levels of public authority in the modern conditions, ensuring the independence of the judiciary and implementation of constitutional review, as well as the interaction of public authorities with the population and civil society institutions. Particular attention was paid to the impact of information technology on the activities of public authorities.




Natalia Varlamova

Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Science


PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Leading Researcher, Department of the Human Rights

俄罗斯联邦, 119019, Moscow, Znamenka str., 10

Tatiana Vasilieva

Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Science


Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, Chief Researcher, Department of the Human Rights

俄罗斯联邦, 119019, Moscow, Znamenka str., 10


  1. Garlicki L. Sądy a Konstytucja Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej // Przegląd Sądowy. 2016. No. 6–7. Ss. 7–25.
  2. Radziewicz P. Judicial Change to the Law-in-Action of Constitutional Review of Statutes in Poland // Ultrecht Law Review. 2022. Vol. 18. Iss. 1. Pp. 29–44.
  3. Tushnet M. The New Fourth Branch: Institutions for Protecting Constitutional Democracy. Cambridge; New York, 2021.

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