Modern understanding of subjeсt of science of administrative law



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The article is devoted to discussion of the subject of science of Administrative Law. It is concluded about the fallacy of understanding of the subject of science of Administrative Law by B. V. Rossinsky and authors which take a similar position with him (Yu. N. Starilov and others). Based on the concept of the subject of science of Administrative Law proposed by K. S. Belsky the auther highlights and considrs such elements of the subject of science of Administrative Law as administrative-law norms, administrative-law relations, administrative-law categories, law enforcement administrative practice. The role and meaning of doctrine were sown in the definition of the subject of science of Administrative Law.




Aleksey Grishkovets

Institute of State and Law of Russian Academy of Science


Doctor of Law, Professor, Leading Researcher of the Sector of Administrative Law and Administrative Process

俄罗斯联邦, 119019, Moscow, Znamenka str., 10


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