The modern concept of the interaction between International and domestic law / res. ed. A. Ya. Kapustin



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The reviewed monograph presents a modern concept of the interaction between International and domestic law.


Alexander Vylegzhanin

Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) MFA of Russia

Russian Federation, Moscow

Sergey Lobanov

Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) MFA of Russia; Moscow State Linguistic University

Russian Federation, Moscow

Ruben Kalamkaryan

Kikot’ Moscow University of the Ministry of internal Affairs; Stoletov’s Vladimir State University

Russian Federation, Moscow


  1. Современная концепция взаимодействия международного и внутригосударственного права / отв. ред. А.Я. Капустин. М., 2023. С. 11–164, 185–233, 326, 327.

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