“Lethality”: is it permissible to introduce into scientific circulation as an independent medical and legal category V.N. Galuzo. Lethality (medical and legal research)



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The review not only draws attention to the results of the first monographic medical and legal study of the patterns of lethality development, but also evaluates them from the standpoint of the development of jurisprudence in the Russian Federation. The monograph makes a not unsuccessful attempt to correlate several terms: “lethality”, “vitality”, “mortality”, “mortality”. At the same time, a fundamentally important provision is substantiated: the inadmissibility of identifying the terms “lethality” and “mortality”. This made it possible to avoid the traditional approach in covering mortality. In addition, the use of the term “vitality” presupposes the presence of thanatological education of people in educational institutions in the universities of the country, to which clearly insufficient attention is paid


Vladimir Redkous

Institute of the State and Law of the Russian Academy of Science; Academy of the MIA of Russia

Russian Federation, Moscow


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