Problems of implementation and protection of the rights of participants in economic relations in the conditions of the digital divide



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The article considers the use of digital technologies in most areas of business activity in the light of the global characteristics of post-industrial society - the technologization of most areas of human life. The author explores one of the most pressing issues of the digital era – the growing digital divide (from the English digital divide), or digital inequality in terms of access to information technologies and their use in economic, including procedures for protecting the rights and legitimate interests of subjects of the digital economy. There is a destructive sign of the modern digital divide - the lack of digital literacy, knowledge or problem-solving skills to perform tasks in a digital environment. It is concluded that research in the field of law should not ignore the consequences of digital inequality: the disadvantage of small and medium-sized businesses in legal relations with large technology suppliers, the inability to assess contractual conditions due to overloading with technological terminology, damage due to inadequate assessment of security risk, neglect of cyber hygiene requirements, and others. Overcoming the digital inequality of the parties when using online mechanisms for the protection of rights and legitimate interests excludes a purely technocratic approach and complies with the rules of fair trial.




Nina Solovyanenko

Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Russian Federation,


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