Evolution of the form of governance in the Republic of Armenia



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The article relates to the evolution of the form of governance in the process of state and constitutional construction of the Republic of Armenia, the mechanisms of separation of branches of state power under different forms of governance, the mechanisms of ensuring balance, restraints and counterbalances, the powers of state institutions, their relations, as well as issues of mutual control. The theoretical basis of the article is the scientific works dedicated to the forms of mutual control. The normative-legal basis of the study is the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia of 1995 and the constitutional amendments of 2005 and 2015, as well as the Constitution of the Russian Federation and constitutions other states. Using both the general research methods (historical, analytical) and special legal methods (systemic-structural, comparative legal) to study the topic, the authors analyzed the constitutional legislation of the Republic of Armenia and the experience of public administration of the last thirty years, identified the existing theoretical and practical problems, conclusions are formulated




Hranush Hakobyan

Academy of State Administration of the Republic of Armenia

Email: hranush.hranti@gmail.com

Ruzanna Hakobyan

Gavar State University

Email: ruzanna.hakobyan@mail.ru
Republic of Armenia, Gavar, Hrant Hakobyan 1


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