Three-volume monograph “Military Law” under the general editorship of A.N. Savenkov, A.V. Kudashkin (M.: Center for Legal Communications, 2021 - 2022) as a practical result of the activities of the national scientific school of Military Law



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The three-volume monograph “Military Law” presents a modern, conceptually and practically grounded understanding of the essence of modern Military Law as a system in the parameters of a holistic academic study




Viktor Blazheev

Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSLA)

Russian Federation,


  1. Bobrovsky P.O. Military Law in Russia under Peter the Great. M., 2021. Part 2. URL: (in Russ.).
  2. Bobrovsky P.O. Military laws of Peter the Great in manuscripts and first printed editions: historical and legal research of P.O. Bobrovsky: With the attachment of photographs of the original manuscript of the Military Article. St. Petersburg, 1887. URL: (in Russ.)
  3. Military Law: in 3 vols / under the general editorship of A.N. Savenkov, A.V. Kudashkin. Vol. I: History and theory of Military Law (with a preface). M., 2021 (in Russ.).
  4. Military Law: in 3 vols / under the general editorship of A.N. Savenkov, A.V. Kudashkin. Vol. II: The current state of military law (institutes of Military Law). M., 2021 (in Russ.).
  5. Military Law: in 3 vols / under the general editorship of A.N. Savenkov, A.V. Kudashkin. Vol. III: The main problems and promising areas of military legal research. M., 2022 (in Russ.).
  6. Law and space in the era of global social and economic changes / under the general editorship of V.V. Blazheev, O.A. Yastrebov, G.P. Tolstopyatenko. M., 2021 (in Russ.).

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