Natural growth and depopulation of the population in Russia: norms, demographic deviations and resources



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Based on the analysis of the current legislation, the article analyzes demographic processes, norms and requirements necessary for population growth, as well as the most dangerous deviations from them for the development of Russian civilization, that is, deviations.The author identifies three periods in the history of natural population growth, two of which are depopulation (1992 - 2012, 2015 - present), and moderately positive (2013 - 2015), and also lists the factors influencing the increase in population.During the analysis of deviations from the favorable and desirable development of the processes of saving the population of the Russian Federation, the main reasons for the decline in fertility are identified, reserves of population growth are identified, the author's idea of ways to overcome depopulation of the population is formulated in terms of such a disastrous phenomenon as large-scale artificial termination of pregnancy, and the negative impact on the birth rate of the ban on abortions is revealed.




Vasily Zhukov

Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Russian Federation, Moscow


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