
“Digital law” vs “digitalization of law”
Globenko O., Sheyafetdinova N., Solovyev A.
Formation and development of branches of law in the historical and modern legal reality of Russia: in 12 vols. Vol. VIII Administrative Law in the system of modern Russian law / ed. by R.L. Khachaturov, A.P. Shergin
Arzamasov Y.
On the scientific comprehension of the subject of constitutional law: to putting the question
Cherepanov V.
Theory of labor relations in the context of the transformation of the sphere of work: designation of the problem
Chucha S.
Subject and system issues of administrative law (part 2)
Kostennikov M., Kurakin A., Admiralova I.
A fundamental scientific work was published, which proved Fermat’s legal theorem Military Law: in 3 vols / under the general editorship of A.N. Savenkov, A.V. Kudashkin
Pligin V.
Modern understanding of subjeсt of science of administrative law
Grishkovets A.
Three-volume monograph “Military Law” under the general editorship of A.N. Savenkov, A.V. Kudashkin (M.: Center for Legal Communications, 2021 - 2022) as a practical result of the activities of the national scientific school of Military Law
Blazheev V.
The international legal basis of the criminal law policy of the Russian Federation in the field of protection of historical and cultural heritage
Khalikov I.
Features of nature as an object of ecological relations
Brinchuk M.
Theoretical and methodological problems and Military Law (to the publication of the monograph “Military Law”)
Tushkov A.
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  • Palavras-chave são sensíveis a maiúsculas
  • Preposições e conjunções ingleses são ignoradas
  • Busca é feita por todos os palavras-chave (agente AND experimentador) por omissão
  • Use OR para pesquisar um termo exato, ex.: educação OR formação
  • Use parênteses para criar frases complexas, ex.: arquivo de ((revistas OR conferências) NOT teses)
  • Para pesquisar uma frase precisa use aspas duplas, ex.: "investigações científicas"
  • Exclua uma palavra utilizando o sinal - (hífen) ou operador NOT; ex.: concurso-de beleza ou concurso NOT de beleza
  • Use * como caractere-coringa, ex.: científic* recuperará as palavras "científico", "científicos", etc.

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