The legal status of the press in Russia at the beginning of the XX century


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The article discusses the results of the reform of the legislation on the periodical press of 1904–1906. A comprehensive analysis of the norms of administrative, criminal and criminal procedure legislation and law enforcement practice has been carried out. Statistical data from archival documents of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Empire and the Chief Administration for Press Affairs, which are being introduced into scientific circulation for the first time, are presented. Based on a wide range of sources, the conclusion is made that after 1905 the position of the periodical press in the Russian Empire changed fundamentally, and in 1906–1914 the press functioned in conditions of real freedom of the press.

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Sobre autores

Anastasia Sopova

State Academic University of Humanities

Autor responsável pela correspondência

PhD in Law, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Law

Rússia, 119049, Moscow, Maronovsky Lane, 26


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