Correlation of sharia and adat law norms among vainakhs: traditional aspects and religious imperatives


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The article presents a scientific study of the issues of mutual influence, the relationship between the norms of Sharia and adat law among the Vainakhs (Chechens and Ingush). The fundamental purpose of the research is the historical and theoretical-legal analysis of individual norms of the Vainakh adate law in the prism of their correlation, mutual influence with the norms of Islamic law and Sharia. Research objectives: characteristics of individual customs that formed the adat law of the Vainakhs; study of the mutual influence of the norms of adat law and Sharia law in historical perspective and in the period of modernity; analysis of the line of permissible/illegal human behavior under Islamic law; characteristics of the concept of madhabity in Islamic law. The hypothesis of the study: the established adats and norms of behavior among the Vainakhs, as well as the principles of interpersonal interaction on various issues and spheres of activity among Chechens, almost completely correspond to the Islamic religion and Sharia norms. The chronicle of the study covers the historical period of the formation and development of adat law with the subsequent spread of the principles of Sharia and up to the modern picture of the day regarding the phenomena studied in the context of their legal realization. The issues of the influence of adat and Sharia norms in family and marriage relations, during religious rites, including funerals, are investigated. The paper provides field materials obtained by the author on the subject under study as examples implemented in practice. The analysis of the line of human behavior in Muslim law, based on the categories of forbidden (Harama) and permissible (Halal). Information is provided about madhhabism in Fiqh schools. The conclusion is formulated that in a situation of possible contradiction between the norms of Adat and Sharia, the prevailing importance should be given to the norms of Sharia.

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Hussein Idrisov

Kadyrov Chechen State University

Autor responsável pela correspondência
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7008-8904
Scopus Author ID: 57394819300

PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law and Procedure

Rússia, 364024, Grozny, A. Sheripov str., 32


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