On the Supreme Judicial Authority of the Russian Federation


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The article substantiates the need to create in the Russian Federation a fundamentally new constitutional state authority under the conditional name of the Supreme Judicial Authority of the Russian Federation, similar to the fact that the highest legislative authority is the bicameral Parliament, and the executive authority is the Government of the Russian Federation. It is noted that such bodies exist in about half of the countries of the world, and in Russia it could quite realistically appear twice – in 1993 and in 2001. The author substantiates the inability to assign the functions of this body to the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and other state authorities and bodies of the judicial community. It is proposed to give the supreme judicial authority the authority to ensure the independence of courts and judges, material resources, financial, personnel and other support for the effective judicial activity of the judicial system. Why is it proposed to give this body the rights: a) legislative initiative; b) adoption of necessary regulatory and administrative legal acts that are mandatory for execution by a specific circle of performers. The contours of the formation of this organ are proposed. It is strictly noted that the Supreme Judicial Authority will in no way be a judicial body – of any jurisdiction and of any instance. It is emphasized that the implementation of these proposals will require the development and adoption of a new Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Sobre autores

Mikhail Kleandrov

Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Russian Federation, Moscow


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