Experience of organization of tourist-recreation zones in territories with special conditions of environmental management (by the example of Lake Baikal)


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The article discusses the features of organizing tourist and recreational activities in territories with a high degree of territorial and institutional uniqueness, presents a theoretical and methodological approach to identifying and determining the development goals of the territories of priority tourist and recreational development – tourist-recreational zones on the coast of Lake Baikal. Lake Baikal is a territory with special conditions of use, which has unique natural characteristics and a powerful system of environmental and legal regulation of public relations in the field of environmental protection. For effective planning and regulation of recreational activities in the context of strict environmental requirements for biodiversity conservation, an environmental legal mechanism is involved. This allows you to determine the priority right to use the territory, relying on the norms of environmental law. In the geoinformation environment, using the tool of legal ecological zoning, which manifests the effect of all legal norms in a particular area of the territory, tourist-recreational zones have been identified that allow the legitimate development of recreational activities within the established boundaries. The correlation of the current permitted standards of recreational load with the real state of “local ecosystems” allowed zoning of the tourist-recreational zones in terms of the intensity and nature of recreational loads. The selected categories of legal zoning make it possible to clarify the permitted types of activities on the territory within the boundaries of plots of various categories of land and determine the specific purpose of their use, the types of objects that can be placed. Further analysis of the tourist-recreational zones on the resistance of their constituent ecosystems to recreational loads made it possible to determine possible scenarios for the development of the situation and formulate goals for the development of the tourist-recreational zones with detailing to the level of recreational functions of the territories. Selected tourist-recreational zones can be proposed for the formation of specially protected areas of recreational purpose of regional significance on them and included in urban planning and program documents with the subsequent detailing of the territorial structure of tourism and regular monitoring of environmental, social and economic parameters of the development of recreational activities.

Sobre autores

Oksana Evstropieva

Sochava Institute of Geography of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Russian Federation, Irkutsk

Svetlana Lesnykh

Sochava Institute of Geography of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Russian Federation, Irkutsk


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