Capitalism and plutocracy

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In this article the author analyzes the dialectical interdependence of capitalism and plutocracy. The definition of plutocracy is proposed. The author reveals two important and diametrically opposed trends in how various segments of the ruling elites in modern states define their values and, accordingly, what specific practical actions they take. Attention is focused on the fact that the pro-Western, which is very active in our country, consists not only of liberal-minded people of creative professions, but also individual representatives of power structures. The author expresses strong support for a part of the domestic establishment and the associated patriotic intelligentsia that aim at a comprehensive revival of the power of Russia. At the same time, the author is sure that in order to achieve victory over the collective West the mobilization of all institutions of the state and society, understood in a broad sense, is necessary, which is impossible without abandoning the substantial political, economic, spiritual and moral foundations of the bourgeois system.

About the authors

Alexander D. Kerimov

Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Russian Federation, Moscow


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